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Hello! i am having a poke-nightmare (wow that was geeky)


I can only play PRO from my laptop and i have not been able to properly play since staff view was removed. the game is so zoomed in its practically unplayable. I have played with the graphics settings countless times and it only zooms in the game even more.


there used to be a solution by pressing f2 and putting in the staffview command. apparently this is not available?


can the moderators explain why we can use the command anymore? it cant just be me having this issue. i really want to play the christmas event like every year but i cant play like this!!!


i used to play on my phone but recently got an iphone so can only play on laptop now



if you have any solutions please let me know!!! ill be waiting



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Hello, Lalala93

Apologies, but it is now impossible for the players to use the Staffview because, like the name suggests it, it iss meant to be used by Staff members, only for testing purposes. It has been removed for the following reasons:

  • Playing on a lower resolution left the player with almost no vision on the default game zoom. We wanted players to not be penalized for playing on a lower resolution.
  • Content Scripters and Mappers were unable to determine the field of view of players. For CS, having every player with the same field of view allows them to better determine ranges such as how far a trainer can see the player, or from which range players can see NPCs during a scripted event. For Mappers, this makes it possible to create maps that favor exploration, as they no longer have to assume players can see the whole map at once.
  • Having to open the console and type staffview every time you launched the game was inconvenient. It's much more ideal to be able to launch the game and have the same game zoom from the last session.
  • Having to control the game zoom from the console was also not ideal. It's better to have everything in the option menu

However, despite the impossibility to bring back the Staffview, there are still a few options that might help you in that situation:

  • First of all, you can check the Game Zoom option, in the Graphics tab of the Options. Your game might simply be zoomed in due to this option.
  • What you can also do, is dragging the Options window upwards on your screen. On laptop,when clicking on Resolutions, all resolutions might not show if the window is in the middle of the screen. This might help you chosing a better suited resolution for your screen and having a better game experience.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or requests.

Have a nice day,

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