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  • Cr7keshu changed the title to Auction vday ralts[ended]

Shinymario the auction started in game before they posted on here. not saying it was handled properly just saying thats how it went. im holding it until this gets figured out before i do anything with it. idk if maybe mods will restart it or idk what will happen. 

@Cr7keshu You were punished for a Poorly Handled Auction - failing to acknowledge in-game bids and not respecting the end point defined.


@Shinymario @Rudedingo22 Apologies for the inconvenience caused by the auctioneer. Unfortunately, the outcome cannot be reversed in this case.

For clarity - the auction actually started here on the forum, but the bids 300k, 350k and 375k weren't acknowledged with a screenshot. Furthermore, the Ralts was traded before the end point.


Locked as there's no further action to take. Take care.

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