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Alot Of Suggestions



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First of all my name is Treck0 in some games also known as Flawless, Flawless' or EOFlawless etc.

I really like the idea of your project and already donated to support your team.


So since this is my first post in this section I should better go big:


Preview Shop Items:

Honestly guys, this one is very important. I myself just lost 10€ worth of items because they look totally sloppy and I don't even want to use them. (I still hope for a way to refund it, will create a support threat if neccessary)


Better Shop Organization:

Sunglasses, Masks, etc should not be threat the same way as Hats or any Headgear. I would love to wear stylish Sunglasses together with my Fedora ;)



Make Guilds Important:

Add the possibility to print to Guild Emblem (If ever added) to the purchased shirt. For example replace the "R" on the Team Rocket Shirt.


Guild and Party Staff:

Add Guild Emblems!

Add Partys (Small groups of players (Kinda Temporary Teams). This would grant players some kind of bonus for grinding together (old classic mmorpg style).

Add Friend/Party/Guild Waypoints and helpers. (Aka maybe have a menu to choose who to see on a map etc. Would make it easier to find Friends and Stuff. If he is on the same Map an arrow could be displayed at the border of the screen.)


Make Fly useful:

It could be used to for example visit the last 3 places you were in or an Member item to travel between Member exclusive areas. (Or maybe even as fast travel between friends/guildmates (once again maybe as a guild or member exclusive item))



Give the option for Point and Click moving (You click one spot far away and automatically work there)

Add Shops (Like in mmorpgs where you open a shop put your items and the value in them and then afk. Should be done in an Marketplace maybe.)

Zooming in and out. For a better FoV.

Make it visible which pokemon can learn to opened TM.

Control battles with keyboard only.


Well guys thats all or most likely most of the ideas I had in my mind. Im pretty sure i forgot to add some stuff but i will keep this threat up to date. Also im not that far ahead in the game so im sure ill find more.

I cant wait for your responses.


Greetings Treck0

Both E4s in 22h. Mt. Silver after 38h. <-- Click and check out my times and beat me!

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Re: My Introduction And Alot Of Suggestions


<r>Hi there! Welcome to PRO! If you have any questions, why not fire me a message? I'll try and answer to my best abilities. x)<br/>


As for your suggestions, I'll go over them 1 by 1...<br/>


<U><s></s>Preview Shop Items:<e></e></U><br/>

I definitely agree with this. I mean, it's pretty expensive to buy it in the first place. That and it's always cool to see what a piece of clothing looks like on you before you try it to see if you like it or not!<br/>


<U><s></s>Better Shop organisation:<e></e></U><br/>

I have a slight suspicion this will be implemented sometime In the future - but again, I agree. Sunglasses too, pure swag right there. xD<br/>


<U><s></s>Make Guilds Important:<e></e></U><br/>

I'll be honest. I've never even joined or run a guild before, so I don't really know what it's like. But I really hope it's worth the 400k and 100 in-game hours. x: I hope there's something unique in it that we draw peoples attention! So your idea is good, it matches up the criteria. <br/>


<U><s></s>Guild and Party Staff:<e></e></U><br/>

Again, agree with this. Maybe have more features too that make a guild stand out and worth more than actually paid for.<br/>


<U><s></s>Make Fly more useful:<e></e></U><br/>

Well it's been confirmed that Fly <B><s></s><U><s></s>will not<e></e></U><e></e></B> take you across the region. And it's already confirmed that we're having a 'Subway System' to quick travel to places, so not just for your guild mates and your others friends who aren't in your guild. x)<br/>



I think it's a little too early to judge some of the gameplay at the moment - it is in early Beta, and still has some work to do. So I recommend just waiting and see what they do with the gameplay. Overall, good suggestion!<br/>



Hope my ideas and thoughts helped! Happy exploration, and keep training to be the very best!</r>


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Release Pokemons everywhere not just in the Box would make it easier to farm and search for good IVs.

Sorting System for Bag, PC, etc.


Make Legendary Pokemons useful.

For example do it like with the badges. Create a site on the trainer card with all blacked out legendary pokemons and for everyone you have beaten get a "badge".

This would be nice for collectors and make them a bit less useless + you can keep track of which youve already beaten.

Both E4s in 22h. Mt. Silver after 38h. <-- Click and check out my times and beat me!

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