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Dusk Daycare(Closed for NOW Cheap and Quick )~~0


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142541 Hello everybody I am new in the daycare business and thinking about setting up one for both trainers in order to give everyone a fair advantage when it comes to battling. I am aware that most trainers are not aware about ev training but trust me if you guys want to be pokemon masters then ev training is a must. I plan to offer not just ev training but regular leveling up as well. I am currently alone on the team but that just means that I need to strive to do my best to ensure the best possible results for your pokemon. I really love to ev train its one of my favorite things to do in pokemon, trust is key in this business and the customers wishes will be respected above all. I know what its like to have been scammed and I don't intend on letting any of my customers lose hope in this beautiful community.


I will ensure that there are rules in place to ensure that the customer feels safe entrusting there pokemon to me, there will be a facebook page up soon where you can post your request and I will do my very best to ensure that you are satisfied with each transaction.


I do not believe in payment up front, payment will only be required at the end of the training.

I will upon request inform you of the progress of your pokemon either on the forum or on the page.


My daycare services are currently available the page will be up soon on facebook so feel free to fill out a request for below My current timezone is (GMT + 2) I look forward to working with you all. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post it really means a lot to me I hope to see you all here in the future.


Please stay tuned for more updates on the Dusk Daycare :Angel:

Please post any messages or quarries or perhaps ideas you may want me to implement within the daycare, customer feed back is vitally important for the success of this business

[glow=red]Everyone I am pleased to announce the newest member of our staff Xcoffin[/glow]




Price list


One EV training - 25k

Full EV training - 50k

Price for ev traing is set no matter the stage of evolution



Leveling up


1-40 (500 poke per level)

40 -60 (1k per level)

60 - 80 (2k per level)

80 - 90 (3k per level)

90 - 98 (4k per level)

98 - 100 ( 8k per level)

[glow=red]Stage one pokemon occur no extra cost to level up for example elekid or charmander

Stage two pokemon have an extra charge 20% extra charge for example electabuzz and charmeleon

Stage three comes with a 40% extra charge for example electivire and charizard[/glow]





[glow=red]After your order is finished you have 2 week to claim your Pokemon. Otherwise i will keep the rights to sell it. If you cannot collect it for a valid reason at the time I will make an exception[/glow]

All pokemon will be accepted for the level up service!!!



Application form for ev training




EV train: 252 [type], 252 [type], 6 [type] this is just an example I do other sorts of ev trainig as well

Moves that you wish to keep:



[glow=red]Application for the leveling service[/glow]



Current Level:

Final Level:

Evolve at level:

Move that you wish to keep:





[glow=red]Currently training :[/glow]


Ultimark blastoise 92 -100

Alakazam 88 -100

magnazone 95-100

delphox 75-100

Wevile 93-100






Kiyougo swinub 252 atk, 252 speed 6 hp

Kiyougo sandile 252 spd, 252 atk 6hp

Ultimatemark tailow to level 40

Poliwag to level 40

riolu to level 40

staravia to level 40

omestar to level 40

Daproblem Alakazam hp sp atk and speed

Daproblem Kirlia hp sp atk and speed

Daproblem glalie sp atk, speed hp

Virtuosity charmander sp atk and speed

Daproblem ralts atk, hp and sp def

Honeyman weedle ev train speed and atk


Rihorn atk, hp

pikachu speed


[glow=red]Ready for pick up[/glow]

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Re: SHADOW518 Dusk Daycare


<r><QUOTE author="Willturner5"><s>

</s><POST content="142563"><s></s>142563<e></e></POST> I'll have to help you once i beat johto :P<e>


Awesome I look forward to seeing you around I first need to do a couple of stuff before I can officially start</r>

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Re: ~~0SHADOW518 Dusk Daycare(OPENED NOW Cheap and Quick )~~0


<t>IGN: Kiyougo<br/>

Pokemon: Swinud<br/>

EV train: 252 [Attack], 252 [speed], 6 [HP] <br/>

Moves that you wish to keep: Physical Attacks <br/>

Application for the leveling service<br/>

Current Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Final Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Evolve at level: no need to lvlup</t>

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Re: ~~0SHADOW518 Dusk Daycare(OPENED NOW Cheap and Quick )~~0


<r><QUOTE author="Kiyougo"><s>

</s><POST content="143154"><s></s>143154<e></e></POST> IGN: Kiyougo<br/>

Pokemon: Swinud<br/>

EV train: 252 [Attack], 252 [speed], 6 [HP] <br/>

Moves that you wish to keep: Physical Attacks <br/>

Application for the leveling service<br/>

Current Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Final Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Evolve at level: no need to lvlup<e>



Awesome ill get right on.</r>

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Re: ~~0SHADOW518 Dusk Daycare(OPENED NOW Cheap and Quick )~~0


<r><QUOTE author="Shadow518"><s>

</s><POST content="142541"><s></s>142541<e></e></POST> : <e>

IGN pokesdoctor<br/>

pokemon: umbreon<br/>

EV train: 252 [def], 252 [sp.def], 6 [attk] <br/>

Moves that you wish to keep: Physical Attacks <br/>

Application for the leveling service<br/>

Current Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Final Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Evolve at level: no need to</r>

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Re: ~~0SHADOW518 Dusk Daycare(OPENED NOW Cheap and Quick )~~0


<r><QUOTE author="pokesdoctor"><s>

</s><POST content="143557"><s></s>143557<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Shadow518"><s>
</s><POST content="142541"><s></s>142541<e></e></POST> : <e>

IGN pokesdoctor<br/>

pokemon: umbreon<br/>

EV train: 252 [def], 252 [sp.def], 6 [attk] <br/>

Moves that you wish to keep: Physical Attacks <br/>

Application for the leveling service<br/>

Current Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Final Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Evolve at level: no need to<e>



I'll have it done as soon as I can. This week I am quite busy but I should have it done by Friday for you.</r>

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Re: ~~0SHADOW518 Dusk Daycare(OPENED NOW Cheap and Quick )~~0


<r><QUOTE author="Shadow518"><s>

</s><POST content="143155"><s></s>143155<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Kiyougo"><s>
</s><POST content="143154"><s></s>143154<e></e></POST> IGN: Kiyougo<br/>

Pokemon: Swinud<br/>

EV train: 252 [Attack], 252 [speed], 6 [HP] <br/>

Moves that you wish to keep: Physical Attacks <br/>

Application for the leveling service<br/>

Current Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Final Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Evolve at level: no need to lvlup<e>



Your swinub is ready for collection please come online as soon as possible</r>

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Re: ~~0SHADOW518 Dusk Daycare(OPENED NOW Cheap and Quick )~~0


<t>Source of the post IGN: Kiyougo<br/>

Pokemon: Sandile<br/>

EV train: 252 [Attack], 252 [speed], 6 [HP] <br/>

Moves that you wish to keep: Physical Attacks <br/>

Application for the leveling service<br/>

Current Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Final Level: no need to lvlup<br/>

Evolve at level: no need to lvlup<br/>


Ty for all Shadow518 :D</t>

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