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oivious can be taunted and own tempo confused


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So I spent ages getting a crobat with confuse Ray and taunt to hunt for regenerater slowpokes, but neither of its normal abilitys do what there supposed to do I can taunt obvious ones and confuse own tempo ones, just thought I'd let you guys know :)


I'm curious also what is rarity of hidden abilitys :) thank you :Heart:

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144181 So I spent ages getting a crobat with confuse Ray and taunt to hunt for regenerater slowpokes, but neither of its normal abilitys do what there supposed to do I can taunt obvious ones and confuse own tempo ones, just thought I'd let you guys know :)


I'm curious also what is rarity of hidden abilitys :) thank you :Heart:

Not all of the abilities in pro have been coded yet. I'm sure they will get round to it eventually ;)

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As far as I know, you have a 5% chance of finding a Pokemon with hidden ability. Here's my suggestion, get a Kadabra with Role Play in its moveset. When you use Role Play, the battle dialogue will say "Kadabra's ability is now Regenerator (or whatever)" so you're 100% sure of your opponent's ability. And if you get a Synchronize Kadabra, then it's a win-win.

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