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Through upwards of 185 hours played on PRO, I have been able to obtain a decent amount of Pokemon that are useable. However, I am now entering the stage in which I am now out of the storyline gameplay and into PvP and am noticing that my Pokemon, or my team really, are clearly not of the caliber needed to successfully win, or win consistently, in PvP battles. I am asking everyone who is knowledgable of competitive team builds in PRO that reads this to give me advice on my Pokemon in respect to competitive play; what Pokemon I could use on a team, what Pokemon I should sell, what Pokemon I should catch or buy to complete a team or make my team better, what Pokemon that I have that are low level I should level up and train, and any other advice that could possibly help me in my PvP PRO endeavors.











You cant really do smogon based builds on pro, because pro in terms of items/moves/abilities are not update/in the game/working. A lot of smogon builds go based on items like:life orb,toxic orb, and assault vest are not in the game. Just make a build that you feel would be good for that certain pokemon.


I made a post regarding this which i think will help you.




Weavile / Donphan / Machamp are cheap, effective pokemon right now. Gengar is decent as well, though its missing mega and sludge wave to be really effective. You should also start disregarding neutral nature pokemon if you plan on doing pvp, natures really do make a world of a difference. I think you will find some answers in that thread either way.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

145234 disregarding neutral nature pokemon if you plan on doing pvp


I already have started to try and find better replacements for my neutral natured Pokemon, but its always a matter of if the replacement is the right replacement if I am changing a Pokemon and if the replacement will have better stats than the neutral if I am not changing the Pokemon. Thank you for the reply though and I will definitely consider Donphan and Machamp to replace Slaking.




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