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Addo EVO data details plz


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No, the same Pokemon like 10 times, only count as 1 evolved only


Then why would you have to count to know if you have enough evolves for a quest? In that case your Pokédex does give you the exact number of evolves, right? Or am I getting this totally wrong?

He means he was catch pokemon. For example, cartepie and metapod. That will count as 2 catch but 0 evo. After that, he tried to get enough evo for quest. It means he need to evo cartepie into metapod for get 1 evo. The point is he was catch many pokemon that he don't really remember what pokemon evolved or caught. As if he evo cartepie into metapod already. The next time he evo other cartepie into metapod, evo count will no count. That is his issues for make suggestion

145990 I have no idea which poke i evoed or not ive just been collecting. Would be nice if there was some details telling me i did not evo this pokemon.


this is actually a fair idea. I will speak to shane and ask how possible it would be.

Thank you both for understanding, ive just been collecting and i didnt think evo data was needed but now that it is... ya i dont even know what i evoed or didnt.



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