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SUMMER SQUIRTLE, See below ah details.


Ah ends at 01:35:13, 



Follows the 15 min auction rule. For those who are unaware (if last bid is within 15inutes of end, 15 minutes is then counted from that bid) for example if ah ended at 01:35 and someone bid at ,01:30 new end time would be 1:45 (last bid must stand for 15 minutes for ah to finish) Thank you in advance to all those who took part, good luck! 



24 hour auction once start 250k,

Min bid 50k.  




Good luck happy bidding, winning bidder to collect within 24h.


 Good luck and happy bidding.


Accept items at following value

Coin case ~~ 360k

Small medallion (15 day) ~~ 180k

Black membership (Bms) ~~ 160k

Exp potion ~ 50k

Rare candy ~ 6k

focus Sash ~ 1k each


Edited by Huntedcrow
Rules read. (Adding end 15 minute pro rule to inform those who are unaware)
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