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Move relearner


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PRO Username: redbeta

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

Meet the move relearner


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Talk with the move relearner


Description and Message

Why Luxray dosen't have Wild Charge and Gardevoir dosen't have Moonblast in moves relearnt ?[/i][/i]

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147278 PRO Username: redbeta

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

Meet the move relearner


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Talk with the move relearner


Description and Message

PRO Username: redbeta

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

Meet the move relearner


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Talk with the move relearner


Description and Message

Why Luxray dosen't have Wild Charge and Gardevoir dosen't have Moonblast in moves relearnt ?[/i]

Not all pokemon have they movesets update to gen VI.

From 2015: I'm still here

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