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npc ledge battle



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148480 When you're riding your mount, you can sometimes go past npcs for a second or two before the npc triggers the battle. When that happens, they'll sometimes go over the ledge after you.


Not completely true, mind you; while there may be asynchronies between the positional data of a player on the client and where it's registered server-side, they are resynchronized by repositioning the player in the area. The client transmits packets to the server to tell it where the player has moved, and it registers the player on each tile successively; therefore, it would check the tile within eyeshot of the NPC and trigger that battle before it decides to register any subsequent movements.


In this case, the NPC's trajectory was mistakingly registered in such a way that it scanned players past the ledge. Since that NPC shouldn't be reachable until one has spatial access to that area, I have amended the trajectory so that the battle can no longer be triggered if you're past the ledge—which should effectuate next reboot.


Thank you for the report. :Grin:

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