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Names JustRoman as you can see, feel free to call me Roman. NOT Justro plz people that do this drive me insane seriously... [glow=red]I'll hunt you down harder th[/glow]an a shiny larvitar. Favorite pokemon are tyranitar and scizor ever since I saw the celebi movie when I was a kid. The plan so far is to wait for hoenn to come out since its my favorite region and then I plan to pretend to be a rival npc and mess up random strangers as they come along. Good Luck when Hoenn comes out ladies and gents~ :Angel:


careful the new privileged members take offense over jokes sometimes so even pretending to say you'll hunt someone down can get you in trouble.


Hoenn is also my favorite region and scizor my favorite poke.


Cheers and welcome to the game.

Only the inferior talk down on others regardless of their privileges or positions.

Inferior to their community with their heads in the clouds unwilling to evolve.

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