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Big auction 4 lots:

Attention!!! Bids like "1m for all" invalid, and will not be acepted!!! Correct bid example: "400k for 1st pokemon, 300k for machoke and 300k for 3th lot" etc. Ty ❤️

Auction duration: 24h from the first bid
Payment accepted: Pokedollars, CC = 360k
Insta: 1m each

First lot: Hlw Machop No Guard, Atk 30
S.o. 75k, min bid 25k

Second lot: Hlw Gastly, 27\20 Timid good ivs
S.o 100k, min bid 50k

Third lot: Hlw Gyarados, 25\27
S.o. 100k, min bid 50k

Fourth lot: Shiny Ponyta
S.o. 100k, min bid 50k

Gl biders!

Edited by Rezorv
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