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How does 2fa work?


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Hello, I was just wondering if anyone knew how 2fa works in detail? 

Also I have a few questions like..

1. Can you manage devices linked? Via possible menu? And if not that would make it more secure. possibly by connecting the feature to unlock via email notification.

2.how secure is this 2fa compared to random generates codes?

3.how can you tell your account has 2fa active?


Looking forward to  being educated a little more on the matter.

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Hey @Lilnaraku,


I am happy to see that you have interest in the 2fa.


Currently there isnt a way to see the devices linked, you may suggest it here in this thread on the forum: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/4-suggestions/

About how secure the 2fa is, well it's pretty simple only the person that has access to the email of the account can access the account.

Lastly the 2fa is always active on every account by default. You would only have to approve the device you are trying login with by going to your email and confirming that it is you that is trying to log on your account, to do that you just have to attempt to login in game with the device you wish to approve.


Hope that answers all your questions, please let me know if it did.

Please do not hesitate to reach out again in the future!


Kind regards,


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