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Wts Epic Kingdra, ttar, Politoed, Starmie, + more


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Im gonna end the "auction" once a price is reached i like, if this doesnt happen, i will not sell, so if ur the highest bid and i dont like it, i will not sell it. Leave a message here, pm, or pm ingame.



lm8gb.png - d20lg.png



DlT4d.png - DY4mg.png



ED9mf.png - PShHf.png



Xeftf.png - Ujeag.png sold


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Trading all my Stuff on blue for Stuff on red.


<t>As topic says, im looking for someone to give me 3,5m + his stuff on red.<br/>


I offer 3,5m + all pokemon / mounts / md medaillons etc i have on blue.<br/>


if ur interested, pm me or answer here. -<br/>



@Mods yes i did this in Redforum already, hope its ok to have this twice so more people actually see it. if not just delete this one.</t>

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