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as the title says i have a suggestion for the elite 4 to be reworked only just for the beta maybe the main fact is like any beta there's gonna be server issues client issues and restarts etc etc and a 24 hour cd wait time is pretty brutal if u are unlucky like me over the past 4 days i have had 3 client crashes during the elite 4. 2 on agatha 1 on lance then a server restart on the 4th day during lance :P causing me to be pretty much stuck doing nothing but making new teams etc and lvling so my suggestion is maybe remove the cd from elite 4 during beta or maybe even make it say 6 hours cd or something along them lines





elite 4 cooldown is brutal and needs a rework due to instability of the beta at the moment



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The game will be out of beta when it'll be literally completed, means all the regions, pokemons and every possible features be implemented and for that i don't think it'll take any less than 3-4 years i.e. if Pokemon Franchise stop making further regions and new Pokemon.


So, you want to lessen the elite 4 time for so long time. I don't think it'll happen.


But i love your 2nd idea of showing how much time is left to rebattle it.



Made by Somes, Killua, mixunli and CarlosAST


would not expect a beta to last that long :P as for them adding every region etc etc most games do that during a complete release and after aka expansions etc major updates and to rephrase my first question instead of changing the time or cooldown during beta why not change it till the servers are at a stable situation etc

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