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Re: Nechrit's Lair. Lot's of new pvp-ready pokes!


<r><QUOTE author="HMSesthetic"><s>

</s><POST content="235092"><s></s>235092<e></e></POST> 350k for Impish Arcanine<e>

<QUOTE author="jamesling95"><s>

</s><POST content="235119"><s></s>235119<e></e></POST> 300k for sableye<e>

Thanks for the offers but in both cases im looking for way more than that <E>:thanks:</E></r>

Re: Nechrit's Lair. Lot's of new pvp-ready pokes!


<r><QUOTE author="jamesling95"><s>

</s><POST content="237003"><s></s>237003<e></e></POST> talonflame 100k?<e>

EV training is valued 40k, leveling services cost about 100k from 1 to 100. I don't even pay the trouble of leveling and training the pokemon with that offer, let alone its own value. <br/>


I noticed you bid on several other topics aswell (some very old, you should avoid bidding on topics several months old!) with similiar offers and as you could notice result is always the same. If your budget is limited you should focus on another rarity tier of pokemons or try to snipe an untrained one.<br/>

If budget is not tight, well then you should come out with some real offer because that's definitely not cutting it <E>:thanks:</E></r>

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