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Roll back of leader role back to @alenerickman id

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Hey sir,

i m the leader of Auramasters guild in game through @Alenerickman id... I was trying to give leadership to @Auramasterbank id yesterday but mistakenly(accidently) went to another player who ingame idname is @Zumnt21 who is member of our guild n he was offline at the time. I went through his profile through /inspect n found out this person is not online game since 6 days. I dont know when he will be online or even  if he will be online or not? Can u plz do anything like role back the action n return the leadership to my @Alenerickman id again n also i  m amazed by the fact that we can promote a member to officer in guild when they r offline but yet leadership can get transferred to a member who is not even online. N i request u to Plz disable the offline promotion.




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