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Decent ha breloom 1h auction

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Greetings all,

Using GMT+0 i will be determining the winner of this auction

  • Auction slated to end 1 hour after starting bid was met

Auction start: 12/02/24 at 5:51pm by @Pauuuuu with a bid of 1k
Auction end: 12/02/24 at 7:00pm by @Pauuuuu with a bid of 100k <---- Winner
The bid of 115k by @Kisterks is deemed invalid as it came more than 15 minutes after the previous valid bid.

Keep in mind the 15-minute bid extension clause is mandatory for all auctions if applicable within the closing minutes of a threads auction, which allowed this thread to go over the time stated in the end point.

@Pauuuuu @Kabarex82 Please contact eachother to finalize this transaction and remember to post evidence down below of the trade being completed.


Edited by Innerfocus
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In the future make sure you are providing evidence of trade completion via a screenshot of the completed trade window, when finalizing any auction threads in our Trade Zone.

On 2/13/2019 at 5:19 PM, Ehkoe said:

4. Auction winners must be publicly announced.

- In-game: A trade post must be made to announce the end of the auction, with the winning bidder's username and bid amount.

- Forum: A reply on the auction thread must be made with a screenshot of the completed trade window.

You also over-bumped your thread here:

On 2/12/2024 at 1:25 PM, Kabarex82 said:

27 min left

Keep in mind you are only allowed a bump once every 24 hours, this includes after the threads creation.

I have confirmed the validity of this transaction and have locked this thread as it has served its purpose.


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