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Hello guys ! I started playing PRO few days ago together with my fiance and we convinced one more friend to play with us as well . During this time I managed to go through Kanto and reach the Elite 4 area not being able to defeat them yet. I thought would be good to make a suggestion topic based on all my experience untill now and from what I've seen and what i believe the game needs.

I am not even sure what to start with ....

First thing I guess it would be the access to some areas . Like I had times when I found someone to trade with but that person was all the way on the other side of the area. Would be good to have some teleporters or a way to get there easy if we have a certain badge . Of course ,not in every town but at least from one side to another . One more good location would be from Elite 4 to Viridian . That would be one of the most usefull places to port from . Even if it would be for a cost, let's say 200-300$ would not be high and would also remove a little bit of money which in time sums up for the server.

Second on my list are the informations about finding pokemons. I started the game and was all confused about each pokemons location/time. I found out about the button on the map that reveals the pokemons on the current map like after the 4th/5th badge. It should show to the hidden pokemons if they can be found during the day/night/morning so people would not spend a lot of time looking for a pokemon that will prob not appear . I am not saying that it isn't a good way but it needs pointing out to it a bit more.

Pokemon IDs and the pokedex : On the pokemon info window there should be the pokemon's ID in the pokedex as well . Instead of searching it by name/look would be nice to be able to find it by ID in the pokedex.

Linking to friends . I had a friend try to link me a pokemon and he was unable to . I believe that should be one of the easy things to enable and usefull. People wouldn't have to link on All / Trade when they would want to link a pokemon to a specific person.

I know I mentioned this before to Shane and Red and I totaly understand that game balancing comes first but making a way for membership to be traded or sold to others is important as there are a lot of players who do now own membership , there will be a lot of players who will buy the membership or be interested to buy it for in game curency and also a lot of players that will want to sell it for in game curency. To avoid possible attempts of people scamming each other or risking their accounts is good to have that implemented soon.

As I will continue my journey together with my fiance and our friend I will gather more information and give you more feedback and suggestions based on our experience! I hope you will all have a fun day !

  Buddhasama said:



use a fire pokemon or a fairy with fire skills such as grumbull. Avoid water pokemon at all costs johto is obsessed with giving every trainer and gym leader grass attacks.

Only the inferior talk down on others regardless of their privileges or positions.

Inferior to their community with their heads in the clouds unwilling to evolve.

  Buddhasama said:
Hello guys ! I started playing PRO few days ago together with my fiance and we convinced one more friend to play with us as well . During this time I managed to go through Kanto and reach the Elite 4 area not being able to defeat them yet. I thought would be good to make a suggestion topic based on all my experience untill now and from what I've seen and what i believe the game needs.

I am not even sure what to start with ....

First thing I guess it would be the access to some areas . Like I had times when I found someone to trade with but that person was all the way on the other side of the area. Would be good to have some teleporters or a way to get there easy if we have a certain badge . Of course ,not in every town but at least from one side to another . One more good location would be from Elite 4 to Viridian . That would be one of the most usefull places to port from . Even if it would be for a cost, let's say 200-300$ would not be high and would also remove a little bit of money which in time sums up for the server.

Second on my list are the informations about finding pokemons. I started the game and was all confused about each pokemons location/time. I found out about the button on the map that reveals the pokemons on the current map like after the 4th/5th badge. It should show to the hidden pokemons if they can be found during the day/night/morning so people would not spend a lot of time looking for a pokemon that will prob not appear . I am not saying that it isn't a good way but it needs pointing out to it a bit more.

Pokemon IDs and the pokedex : On the pokemon info window there should be the pokemon's ID in the pokedex as well . Instead of searching it by name/look would be nice to be able to find it by ID in the pokedex.

Linking to friends . I had a friend try to link me a pokemon and he was unable to . I believe that should be one of the easy things to enable and usefull. People wouldn't have to link on All / Trade when they would want to link a pokemon to a specific person.

I know I mentioned this before to Shane and Red and I totaly understand that game balancing comes first but making a way for membership to be traded or sold to others is important as there are a lot of players who do now own membership , there will be a lot of players who will buy the membership or be interested to buy it for in game curency and also a lot of players that will want to sell it for in game curency. To avoid possible attempts of people scamming each other or risking their accounts is good to have that implemented soon.

As I will continue my journey together with my fiance and our friend I will gather more information and give you more feedback and suggestions based on our experience! I hope you will all have a fun day !


I like some of your ideas:


1) Transport thing: Yes, would be nice if the train (or another type of transport) in Saffron (or another cities) brings the people to Pallet or Veridian... And i think, the good price will be like 1k~.


2) Pokemon IDs and the pokedex : On the pokemon info window there should be the pokemon's ID in the pokedex as well . Instead of searching it by name/look would be nice to be able to find it by ID in the pokedex. (nice IDEA :y:)


3)Linking friends: This a crucial thing, really need be implemented.

  Buddhasama said:

I know I mentioned this before to Shane and Red and I totaly understand that game balancing comes first but making a way for membership to be traded or sold to others is important as there are a lot of players who do now own membership , there will be a lot of players who will buy the membership or be interested to buy it for in game curency and also a lot of players that will want to sell it for in game curency. To avoid possible attempts of people scamming each other or risking their accounts is good to have that implemented soon.

yes it would be nice to be able to trade ms ingame...maybe make it some kind of item that can be traded.

And like abel said johto has lots of grass moves..and i mean alot

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