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Cerulean City Quest: Find the Research Book




So, a lot of people doesn't know where to find the research book. You would all know that this quest is small yet the newcomers doesn't know where to find it. Also, as I can only make 1 guide per thread limits me to make a bundle of quests.


The Nugget Bridge

If you don't know where the nugget bridge is, go heal your Pokemon's first of all. This is in order to prepare you for the battle's which you will face on your short journey through the nugget bridge. After you are out of the Pokemon Center, try to find a way to go above the Pokemon Center. (Go left , up, right and up). When you go through the route exit, it will lead you right to the Nugget bridge. Now, go ahead and beat all of the upcoming NPC's until the last one, which is a Rocket Grunt. If you win, you will get a Nugget. Then go to the top and take a right turn which will lead you to Route 25.



Route 25

Battle all the NPC's, and head straight through the road. You can avoid the NPC's too but they are good EXP. Then you will stumble upon Bill's House.



Bill's House

After you start interacting with bill, he will ask you to Find his research book. Now this is the problem where everyone has a difficulty in, although it's one of the most easiest quest if you just know where the book is, which ofcourse is the purpose of this guide. To get to the point, go to his bed and go near the pillow and interact using SPACE button or if you changed the button then use that button. After this, talk to Bill and he will give you the ticket to SS Anne.

Edited by Travok
  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

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