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Hello All!

I search these pokes:


-Politoad Drizzle 31-31 def-hp other IV 20+//bold/calm


-Poliwrath Swift Swim 31-31 speed-atk other IV 20+//adamant


-Lickitung Oblivious 30(+)-30(+)def-hp other IV 20+//adamant


-Swampert any abi 31-30(+) speed-atk other IV 20+//adamant


***-Seismitoad Poison Touch 30(+)-29(+) def-hp other ivs 20+//impish (this is my priory)***


-Heracross any abillity but prefer Moxie or Guts 30(+)-31 atk-speed other ivs 20+ //jolly


-Nidoking Sheer Force 30(+) Spatk-31 Speed other ivs 20+//timid


-Carracosta Solid Rock/Sturdy 30(+)-31 atk-speed other ivs 20+//naughty/adamant


If u know me u know i pay well!!


IGN: Qwatte

Discord: @qwatte


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