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Something didn't work

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In this game something didn't work...

Gorebyss went +2 with shell smash but with hydro pump vs Type Null he shouldn't been able to 1hko (Type Null has 87.5% hp cuz took srocks) even with crit he is not able to kill (Type Null can't be crit cuz to Battle Armor)

+2 Lvl 88 84 SpA Gorebyss Hydro Pump vs. Lvl 88 84 HP / 84 SpD Eviolite Type: Null: 160-190 (51.6 - 61.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock


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Hello @Qasar,


Thanks for making a report. I reviewed the interactions for this encounter and I was unable to recreate what you are describing. Can you post screenshots for the previous turns from this battle as well?




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Hello @Qasar,


After investigating we have found the issue. Currently Type: Null is unaffected by Eviolite. This was fixed in the past however it turns out the fix was not pushed to the live servers. Once the fix is pushed we will add it to our Update Log here. Once again, thanks for making a report, you are always welcome to make another if you suspect something is bugged.




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