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Re: Volvie9x's Shop - Epic,good ivs 20+ pokemon ( Big update 07/11 )


<t>ruflet 100k<br/>

skorupi 70k</t>






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Re: Volvie9x's Shop - Epic,good ivs 20+ pokemon ( Big update 07/11 )


<r><QUOTE author="Volvie9x"><s>

</s><POST content="306820"><s></s>306820<e></e></POST> Sold all gengar trained, only one for my pvp team <br/>

You can wait in the next update<e>


the one 31 spd and all 2x, do u sell that?</r>

Re: Volvie9x's Shop - Epic,good ivs 20+ pokemon ( Big update 07/11 )


<r><QUOTE author="Volvie9x"><s>

</s><POST content="306820"><s></s>306820<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="nos66"><s>
</s>price check :<br/>

Ruflet lv5<br/>

Skorupi lv 9<e>


Only offer, don't check price here.<br/>



i allready offered^^</r>






Re: Volvie9x's Shop - Epic,good ivs 20+ pokemon ( Big update 07/11 )


<r><QUOTE author="nos66"><s>

</s><POST content="306860"><s></s>306860<e></e></POST> <br/>

ruflet 100k<br/>

skorupi 70k<e>


-Sold skorupi for you and I refuse your offer for rufflet. I think the min price of rufflet is 300k+<br/>

-Pm me ingame to get pkm ( /pm volvie9x-=-<I><s></s>yourname<e></e></I> )

<QUOTE author="thanhmoz"><s>

</s><POST content="306989"><s></s>306989<e></e></POST><br/>

the one 31 spd and all 2x, do u sell that?<e>


Not now, I need it for my team pvp</r>

[glow=blue]Thế gian quý nhất là những gì không có được và những gì đã mất đi.[/glow]




[glow=red]My shop[/glow]


[glow=green]IGN: Volvie9x[/glow]

Re: Volvie9x's Shop - Epic,good ivs 20+ pokemon ( Big update 07/11 )


<r><QUOTE author="Volvie9x"><s>

</s><POST content="307588"><s></s>307588<e></e></POST> -Sold skorupi for you and I refuse your offer for rufflet.<e>


you are not online atm you can pm me ingame name: nos66</r>






Re: Volvie9x's Shop - Epic,good ivs 20+ pokemon ( Update 22/11: Bold bul clone, timid char clone,... )


<t>Update 22/11:<br/>

- 12 Untrained pokemon ( 6 clone starter )<br/>

- 1 Trained pokemon ( timid gardevoir )</t>

[glow=blue]Thế gian quý nhất là những gì không có được và những gì đã mất đi.[/glow]




[glow=red]My shop[/glow]


[glow=green]IGN: Volvie9x[/glow]

Update 26/11:

- Sold trained blastoise, bisharp, arcanine and untrained yamask, clone charmander

- Sold winter set grey, s-stantler mount

- Added new skorupi, untrained chansey

[glow=blue]Thế gian quý nhất là những gì không có được và những gì đã mất đi.[/glow]




[glow=red]My shop[/glow]


[glow=green]IGN: Volvie9x[/glow]

[glow=blue]Dear all,

I'll offline a long time for my work in school.

Thank you very much and see you again on a beautiful day.[/glow] :Smile:

[glow=blue]Thế gian quý nhất là những gì không có được và những gì đã mất đi.[/glow]




[glow=red]My shop[/glow]


[glow=green]IGN: Volvie9x[/glow]

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