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  • Doakes locked this topic

Hi @Baniaapl, you have not followed a few of our Auction and trade rules, so i will be locking this thread and explain the steps you Must include for your next auction. Also, you are free to create a new auction, which follows the rules, for the dugtrio. Do note that any previous bid on this thread wont be able to be used as an offer, unless they, themselves post again on your newly created thread, if you choose to do so.


The first issue with your auction was that there was clear starting price/point.


7. Starting price/point must be clearly stated. Once met, the auction has started.


 As of start point, this may be one of the following 2 options: a specified time (e.g. "day/month/year hour:minute a.m./p.m. & Timezone"), or instantly as of the trade post (e.g. "as of thread creation").

 As of start price, specified by the seller.

There was also no clear end point for the auction, which you later added, which is not allowed.


8. End point must be clearly stated before the auction has started. This cannot be changed once the auction has begun.


Aswell as this please use the appropriate sub-forum for selling shiny/event pokemon. This section for your auction, would go to Shiny and Special Pokémon - Silver



 Shiny & Special Pokemon. 

- Use this forum to sell Shiny & Special Pokemon only. This includes both standard sales and auctions. You may also create your own personalised Shiny / Special Shop here.

 Do not sell non-variant Pokemon, Shop Coins, Items or Services here.

Although you did not do this next part, you where on the verge of doing so. As in your case, there was no start price, or auction duration, the auction can never start. So if you claimed these "offers" as the current offer, you would have been breaking the rules.


6. Offers received outside of an auction cannot be:

Claimed or used as current or best offer.  

Used as a starting bid without the buyer's permission.

A recommendation is to include the following for future auctions. Do note, that once an auction has started these cannot be changed

[Pokemon / Item]
Start Point/Price:
End Point:
Min. Raise:
Accepted Payment(s):

I appreciate that this may be a long read, but I wanted to educate you for next time.

Best regards,


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