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I find it unneededly hard to get money in this game, and even worse are the costs you have, like, to get my pokes to level up, i have to go to the trainer tower, each time it costs me around 8000-10000 so i can raise my pokes 2 levels, it is way too expensive, but you are forced to use it since wild pokemons go only up to level 60~. On the other hand i get told to trade my Items, wich is easier said than done, since barely anyone needs anymore items, how about enabling that u can sell whatever you have in your posession, at vendors?

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Yeah True, I feel that if you don't have a boss team, the only way to make money is to sell your best pokemon so you're left with nothing, or to donate and sell cc. I know there are dig sites n stuff but that's such a small amount of money when people are selling epics for 1m+

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Basically, hunting mons cost nothing other than pokeballs (200 pokdol each)

Sync mons cost 5000 pokdol

Not all pokemon need membership/ black medalion

False swipe? You can use anything, scizor trash for swipe cost 5k ea (not lv 100 ofc).


Leveling? Theres vic road or seafoam or dragon dens, etc. 


You just need to be patient. Thats all


Hunting 2 days, got usable mons to sell,  sell for 200k, then you already have more than enough to continue your journey. 

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