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  • Mellyjelly changed the title to [Selling]W.T.S Halloween form Gengar good one
  • Doakes locked this topic

Hi, for All future trade related posts for buying/selling please post in the appropriate sub-forum. There is 3 main sections in the trade zone, which relate to Gold server, Silver server, or Cross-server. The gold server section, is if you want to sell your pokemon/item on the gold server, or if you want to buy pokemon or items on gold server. The same applies for silver server section, except it is for Silver server. The cross server section is if you wish to open bidding/buying from both servers. Do note for this YOU will be responsible for transferring to the appropriate server if needed. Here is an image of what this section looks like below. For this specific pokemon you would use the "shiny and Special Pokemon - Silver" section. For regular pokemon it would just be selling pokemon silver, etc. Here is a link to the Trade Zone, which contains the image below in the spoiler. Aswell as this visit General Trade Rules which gives an overview of each section in the trade zone. 




As you have sold the gengar, I will lock this post.


Best regards,


Edited by Doakes
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