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Something to look forward to.


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Hello there,


It's Gawerty - As you can tell, I haven't posted in a few days ( I deeply apologize haha!) I have been on the forefront of graduating, and a lot of exciting things have been happening left and right leaving me with very little time for leisure time on the PC.


I have still been on Discord via my Phone, but that's besides the point.


I and a friend who I will not disclose (Unless he chooses to post on the thread) are recording a nuzlocke series for PRO - Each on our own seperate channels - I believe the intention is for us to be rivals of sorts.


With that said


The rules we are using are as follows


Rule #1:

You can only capture the first Pokémon you encounter in each new area you explore.


Rule #2:

If one of your Pokémon faints, you must release it. It is dead.


Impossible Battle Clause (A clause 'invented' for the sake of PRO - due to NPCs such as Lance in Vermillion City, and other NPCs, etc.)

Does not count as Death.


Shiny Clause:

You may catch shinies for after the nuzlocke, but may not use them unless they are the first encounter on a route.


Cave Clause:

Only one pokemon caught per level of cave.


Basically just regular settings.


The thing I am aiming for is endless recording of myself playing the game - to push through the boundarys of beating PRO through a nuzlocke.


I will be warning you now, unless this really garners attention - I won't be uploading unless a milestone is reached (Such as beating a GYM) - This intention allows me to make several videos, and release them on my channel instead of leaving you hanging every video for the next one. What this also means though is that I won't be releasing videos terribly often (perhaps once or twice a week)


If this does however garner attention - I will upload more as I see fit.


A question for you guys?


Would you enjoy it more if I used a mic during the let's play, or not?


Let me know!


I may also be willing to set-up livestream footage of myself training on the account - as I don't really intend to include several minutes of grinding in the video.




“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
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