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Hello there! i make the dungeon who have to fight 10 trainers and i had already like 300somthing points (xmas points) and after i lost at n7-n8 trainer i got kick out like suppose to happend! And the npc there told me i won 330 coins and with some maths i know i must have 630+ xmas coins but at my trainer id i only see the new ones the 330 points i win! Where the old ones go ? What happend? i need back my coins guys! 

MY SHOP : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/206042-medu5a-new-shop-upgrade-14122022/







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You read it wrong, if not yet beating them all, each of them give 1 event coin only, so you got added 7-8 event coin only. The message you talked about was actually telling you the total event coin you currently have, not that you win 330 coin. You can only get 75 coin from that every day at max fyi.


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