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*~ Dacius Daycare~* [Away]


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[glow=gold]All Regions Supported[/glow]

[glow=red]Current Status:[/glow]




1. I [highlight=blue]choose[/highlight] my customers and the pokemons I am willing to do, if I don't accept it, just ask another daycare service to do so.

2. I do NOT accept just EV training of pokemons below level 50. This is for speed reasons. I aim to do it fast and fast alone.

3. Pokes I do not accept

- Pokemons that cannot evolve further.

- Pokemons that cannot use an attack move by itself. (Counter/Mirror Coat not counted)




[glow=gold]Half Ev[/glow] = 25k

[glow=gold]Full Ev[/glow] = 50k

[glow=gold]Leveling:[/glow] 15k to lv 50 (regardless of what your poke starting level is)

1k per level till lv 90

15k to level to 98

Tank Pokemons are charged at 1.5x the final payment.


Example: A lv 5 Chimchar will need

15k to level to 50

50k for Full EV

(roughly) 35k to level to 90

15k to level to 98.

i.e. the max you have to pay for 1 Pokemon is 115k for the full service. 170k if tank pokemon.




Should all communications fail to please you (e.g. forum can't reach me, ingame can't find me, server crash like free)

[glow=blue]Discord Channel:[/glow] https://discord.gg/011HxQUg9zm3eUIR7


[glow=red]Application Form[/glow]




Current Level:

Final Level (evo or not):

EV train:

Move keep:


[glow=red]Pending Projects[/glow]


None atm.


[glow=red]Completed Projects[/glow]



Fletchling 252 Atk || 160 Spd || 98 Hp

Togepi 252 Spatk || 252 Spd

Eevee 252 Hp || 252 Def

Pineco 252 Hp || 252 Def

Lapras 252 Hp || 252 Def

Skarmory 252 Hp || 252 Def

Ferroseed 252 Hp || 252 Def

Lotad 252 Sp Atk || 252 Def

Electabuzz 252 Atk || 252 Spd

Sneasel 252 Atk || 252 Spd

Ferroseed 252 Hp || 252 Def

Ferroseed 252 Hp || 160 Def || 98 SpDef



Pansage 152 Atk || 194 Spd

Dragonair 124 Atk || 204 Spd

Ralts 112 Spd || 84 SpAtk

Scyther 252 Atk || 200 Def || 58 Hp

Chimchar lv 9 to lv 64 (f.o.c.)

Swinub lv 34 to lv 97 252 Atk || 252 Hp

Seedot lv 8 to lv 98 Evo to Shiftry 252 Atk || 252 Spd



Koffing 252 Hp || 252 Def



Sandile 252 Atk || 252 Spd

Machop 252 Atk || 252 Hp



Omanyte 252 Sp Atk || 252 Spd



Scyther lv 71 to lv 98

Misdreavus lv 81 to lv 98

Drillbur lv 81 to lv 98



Fletchinder lv 74 to lv 98

Spheal lv 45 to lv 98

Zubat 252 Atk || 252 Spd + lv 20 to lv 98

Vulpix lv 64 to lv 98

Bulbasaur 252 SpDef || 252 Hp lv 12 to lv 98

Seedot 252 Atk || 40 Spd || 218 Hp lv 15 to lv 98

Bulbasaur 252 Def || 252 Hp lv 50 to 98

Bulbasaur 252 SpDef || 252 Hp lv 52 to 98

Pinsir lv 50 to lv 98



Hippopotas 126 Atk || 126 Def || 252 Hp lv 41 to lv 98



Ralts 252 Sp Atk

Heracross 252 Atk

Slakoth 252 Atk



Electabuzz lv 82 to 98

Gastly 252 Sp Atk lv 58 to lv 98

Fletchinder lv 68 to lv 98



Wynaut 252 Def || 252 SpDef || 6 Hp



Gastly lv 76 to lv 90

Pikachu lv 75 to lv 90



Seedot 252 Atk || 252 Spd lv 18 to lv 98



Starly 252 Atk || 252 Spd lv 32 to lv 98



Misdreavus lv 45 to lv 98


Elygem lv 32 to lv 98

Machop 252 Atk || 252 Hp lv 50 to lv 98





168739 I have used your service , worthy of trust :Grin:

169225 Nice service, fast and friendly, highly recommend :y:

172295 Fast and reliable, thank you ~

175239 Thanks to Dacius, he trained my Shiny Wynaut EVs within 24 hours :y: Highly reccomend!

177213 nice service.

182147 Feed Back this guy is too good haha >over u can believe 100% that he never let you disappointed

182700 Nice service, fast and friendly, highly recommend

192839 Really good and really fast service,ty

199176 this isss supperrbbbb Daycare indeed

really fast! he trained my 2 pokes lest than 1 day include lvling and ev! and very friendly people~

with very reasonable price too~

he's my laziness savior



[glow=turquoise]Need some fast daycare service? Visit my shop :)[/glow]

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Re: *~ Dacius Fast Ev Service ~* [Active]


<t>Hi hi, here is a small update. Im taking a short break of about 3 days from 24/5 onwards after finishing the ones on the list to train up my pokes and clear the quests ingame so I can provide a faster and more efficient service to you guys. Thank you to those who have trust me enough to give me their Pokemons to train, e.g. Thanhmoz Cyndaquil155 Marsomega Liuzzz and Crowshou. <br/>


Till we meet again, peace :)</t>



[glow=turquoise]Need some fast daycare service? Visit my shop :)[/glow]

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Re: *~ Dacius Fast Ev Service ~* [On Break]


<r><QUOTE author="azumimika"><s>

</s><POST content="167992"><s></s>167992<e></e></POST> mate u ev chansey can u?<e>


Im on a break at the moment, but nope I dont do ev for Chansey. With regards to the leveling service for Sneasel, i will ask you for more info ingame when my break is over, cheers :)</r>



[glow=turquoise]Need some fast daycare service? Visit my shop :)[/glow]

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Re: *~ Dacius Fast Ev Service ~* [Active]


<t>Nickname: Azumimika<br/>

Pokemon: growlithe & heracross<br/>

EV train: 252 Atk 4 Def 252 Spe<br/>

Move keep: megahorn and close combat (Heracross)<br/>

Move keep:extreme speed flare bitz crunch (growlithe)<br/>


how much for the 2?</t>

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Re: *~ Dacius Fast Ev Service ~* [Active]


<r><QUOTE author="azumimika"><s>

</s><POST content="169252"><s></s>169252<e></e></POST> Nickname: Azumimika<br/>

Pokemon: growlithe & heracross<br/>

EV train: 252 Atk 4 Def 252 Spe<br/>

Move keep: megahorn and close combat (Heracross)<br/>

Move keep:extreme speed flare bitz crunch (growlithe)<br/>


how much for the 2?<e>



100k total. But can only start on those 2 days from now as I have pokemons queued up already.</r>



[glow=turquoise]Need some fast daycare service? Visit my shop :)[/glow]

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