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Elite 4 Timer


Everyone that has made it to the elite 4 and lost knows about the cool down time of 24 hours. I don't particularly have a problem with this system at all in fact i think its kinda cool, it allows for friends to battle or for people to train potentially encountering a shiny. Its annoying but its healthy. The problem here is that there is a chance to not know when the time is up and you can challenge them. Yesterday I lost to the Johto elite 4 (I'm a scrub wanna fight about it) but I don't forget what time I lost. After training a Pokemon from 50-95 I was feeling confident I could take them down. I attempted to try the elite 4 again, where I was prompted with the "Try again later" text. What I think would be a nice change, is a timer counting down from the moment you lose in the elite 4 to be prompted to you instead of that text. If you lose at 18:00, then the clock counts down from 24:00 to 00:00 until the following day on 18:00 allowing you to see around what time to come back if you didn't pay attention to the time you lost.


Tl;Dr : Add a timer so we know exactly when we, of the baddie population, can challenge the elite 4 again please :Heart:

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