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Hello all,


@Laudam My apologies, but all bids made by JesusV10000 were false offers, and so, he has been punished in accordance.


@Oda 2.1m was the only valid bid, and so if you wish to keep the Mudkip, please state it so in here (For the price 2.1m).

On 2/13/2019 at 10:19 PM, Yellow said:

4. Auction winners must be publicly announced.

- Forum: A reply on the auction thread must be made with a screenshot of the completed trade window.

 In the event that the auctioned Pokemon/Item is traded to the wrong player, the trade will be forcefully reversed and traded to the rightful winner.

› In the event that the winning bid is a false offer, the bid will be made void, and the auction win will be offered to the runner-up. Runner-ups are not obligated to honour their bid in these cases. Where no runner-up is available, the auction will be made null and void.


If you do not wish to, and you are not obligated to, keep your 2.1m bid, I will be voiding and locking this auction.


@Laudam If Oda agrees to pay 2.1m, please reach out to him, and finish the deal. Otherwise, you are free to make a new auction from scratch if you so please.





@Kimew please, can you cancel the punishement, it was not a false bid, jesusv10000 is actually online right now and he wants to do the trade, he just needed a little time to get back home. This was not necesary , it could actually cost me my trade.  I really thank you for your attention and devotion into your work but he actually really wanned to do this trade.


Edited by Laudam

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