Sefanne Posted March 4 Share Posted March 4 (edited) Hello and welcome to my shop! Here you'll find special pokemon, boss pokemon, story teams, mounts, cosmetics and items Take a glance and have a good time! You can reach me via forum PMs or ingame: Sefanne Alternative payment methods Value Coin Capsule(CC) 500k IV Reroll Ticket 550k Nature Reroll Ticket 250k Rare Candy 6k Sale of the day [20% off] Sold Story Teams Spoiler Please note this is a lending service Price is 50k per day per team ------------------------------------- Kanto Spoiler Johto Spoiler Hoenn Spoiler Sinnoh (rented) Spoiler Boss Pokemon Spoiler With the purchase of boss pokemon I provide eventual egg move services for free (excluding the 15k egg move price per move) Personal Recommendation Spoiler Hi, here I'll explain what boss team I'm using myself, and why I recommend this. This way you might have an easier time forming your own boss team. However, there is no such thing as 'the best boss team', it's a personal preferance, a lot of other Pokemon are very solid as boss pokemon too. This is just my recommendation; My team: - Cottonee - Whimsicott - Audino - Shuckle (or sometimes Dugtrio) - Gorebyss (Huntail same thing) - Pangoro Why? Cottonee: Cottonee's Memento attack severely weakens the enemy, ALMOST guarenteeing that Whimsicott won't get oneshot (only Mega Gengar still oneshots Whimsicott now). This way Whimsicott can use both Switcheroo (Or Cotton Spore if the enemy is mega evolved) AND another Memento attack. If you only use a Whimsicott you can Switcheroo, but there is no guarentee it survives the first hit. With a Cottonee in your team, supporting the Whimsicott, the enemy will get his ATTACK and SP.ATK stat lowered by 4 stages. Another big plus is that you don't need to know whether or not the enemy is going to mega evolve, because you use Memento either way, you'll find out afterwards. Whimsicott: Whimsicott is a must have. It's Switcheroo attack gives the enemy your lagging tail item, which makes them attack last every turn, thus it's way easier for you to setup for your Pangoro. If the enemy happens to be a Mega evolved Pokemon you can use Cotton Spore instead, halving the enemies speed. Once you've done this and Whimsicott is still alive you can use Memento to harshly lower the enemies ATK and SP.ATK stat. This way your other Pokemon won't get killed instantly. Audino: Audino is a superior Golduck. It knows Simple Beam, Flash and also Thunder Wave (which is the better alternative to Golduck's Yawn/Hypnosis). Also it's way tankier than Golduck. The downside however is that Audino is a rare pokemon, which makes it way harder to find a good one. Also it's slower than Golduck, but it's tankiness easily compensates for this. It used to be a Sinnoh only pokemon, but they changed that lately. You can find one in Kanto too now. You can only find an Audino if you are a member however. It is possible to get one as a boss reward (3 wins in a row). Shuckle: Shuckle is your Stealth Rocker. The stealth rocker's job is to use Stealth Rock (so Pangoro can oneshot everything, not getting screwed over by focus sashes). Shuckle guarentees stealth rock being layn down, because Shuckle cannot be oneshotted (Sturdy). It could get screwed over by paraylze, but that's why we give it a Lum Berry to hold. Besides Stealth Rock Shuckle learns Flash. Sometimes Audino (or whatever simple beam pokemon you use) isn't able to use Flash 3 times, and thus Shuckle can help out with the remaining flashes. It knows Final Gambit too, so it can kill itself, giving you a free swap to your Baton passer without that pokemon getting hit. Dugtrio: The alternative to Shuckle is Dugtrio. He is a Stealth Rocker too. Sand-Attack is his Flash. The downside of Dugtrio is his ability to be oneshotted, because it doesn't know Sturdy. This is why we give it a Focus Sash, just in case. The upside is that it knows Memento, which Shuckle does not. And because the enemies ability is already changed to 'Simple' your Momento move will DOUBLE in effectiveness, lowering the target's ATK & SP.ATK stat by 4 stages! I would recommend this if you are not using both Cottonee and Whimsicott, but just one of the two. Gorebyss (or Huntail): For bossing Gorebyss and Huntail are the exact same Pokemon since they don't attack. Gorebyss is your Baton passer. It increases it's own stats and passes it down to your sweeper. If you use Pangoro as your sweeper I highly recommened to use Gorebyss over Ninjask. This is because of how Pangoro's 'Power Trip' move works. The more stats you increase, the stronger it gets. Gorebyss increases it's ATK, SP.ATK, and SPD by 6 stages (18 stages in total) while Ninjask only increases ATK by 6 and Speed by 5-6 stages (11-12 stages total). Every stage increases Pangoro's Power Trip attack by 20 power. So Gorebyss is superior to Ninjask. However, if your team consists of 2 baton passers then Ninjask is fine. Just make sure to also include a Gorebyss or Huntail. Pangoro: Pangoro's Power Trip basicly oneshots everything. The more stats boosts Pangoro has, the more powerfull the move is. It starts with 20 power, but with 18 boosted stats (6x attack, 6x special attack and 6x speed) it's power gets boosted by 360 to a total of 380. So a 380 power attack combined with a 300% INCREASE in power (+6 ATK boost) equals oneshot. An adamant nature and the ability 'Mold Breaker' are hard requirements though, otherwise sometimes you cannot oneshot. How? 1. Cottonee uses Momento. 2. Whimsicott uses Switcheroo (or Cotton spore if mega). 3. If Whimsi is alive: Use Memento again. 4. Audino uses Simple Beam. 5. Audino uses Flash 2-3 times. 6. Audino uses Thunder Wave. 7. Switch to Shuckle/Dugtrio. 8. Use Stealth Rock. 9. Use Flash if the enemy hasn't been flashed 3 times yet (or Sand-Attack on Dugtrio). 10. Use Final Gambit to kill Shuckle off (or Memento on Dugtrio). 11. Switch to Gorebyss. 12. Use Substitute (if the Substitute breaks, use it again!). 13. Use Aqua Ring for the extra healing. 14. Shell Smash 3 times to maximize the stat boosts (if you are hit and the sub breaks, see 12). 15. Baton Pass to Pangoro (Do not SWITCH, but use the MOVE Baton Pass). 16. Smack enemy with Power Trip. Exceptions: 1. For enemies with the ability 'Static' or 'Flame Body' (Zapdos, Jolteon, Volcorona, Chandelure etc) use Earthquake or Rock slide instead of Power Trip, as you might get burned or paralyzed. 2. 3 Enemies for which you need to start off with a Skarmory instead of Cottonee: 2.1: Professor Birch: His pokemon is Medicham. If you don't whirlwind it away it will kill itself by 'High Jump Kick's' crash damage. 2.2 Ash Westbrook: His pokemon is Dialga. If you don't whirlwind it away it will eventually Roar and screw up your whole setup. 2.3 Steven: He requires 2 steel-type pokemon to be fought. (Try Skarmory, Klefki and/or Magnezone). 3. Against Shary start off with Whimsicott (Or give Cottonee the lagging tail). You HAVE to switcheroo right away to take away Flareon's Toxic Orb. 4. Against Misty start off with Audino (or whatever Simple beamer you use) and use Simple Beam off the bat. Milotic knows 'Competitive' and could screw up your whole setup. 5. Against Koichi (Saffron Dojo) use Earthquake against his Pangoro instead of Power Trip, as Power trip is 75% weakened against it. 6. If you use both Golduck with Hypnosis and Shuckle with Sweet Scent, you might opt to use Shuckle as your 3rd Pokemon, since Sweet Scent makes it so that the enemy cannot evade Golduck's Hypnosis anymore. Thus making it easier for Golduck to setup. Items Cottonee, Focus Sash: With the ability Prankster you go first, but Bugsy has a Scizor with a prio move too which would kill Cottonee. Whimsicott, Lagging Tail: You want to switch your lagging tail to the enemy so it always moves last. Audino, Leftovers/Audinite: Either leftovers or Audinite is fine to give Audino some more survivability, since it needs a couple of rounds to get all her moves off (simple beam, flash etc). Shuckle, Lum Berry: It knows sturdy, but it NEEDS to get Stealth Rock off, so just incase you would get Paralyzed take a lum berry to heal yourself. Dugtrio, Focus Sash: Just incase it would get oneshotted. Gorebyss, Leftovers: It NEEDS healing if you get hit a couple times and you are required to use substitute more than once. Pangoro, Focus Sash: Sometimes the Baton Passed Substitute and your Maximized speed just isn't enough. A focus sash gives you that extra life which makes all the difference. Happy Bossing! Klefki Spoiler 300k 350k Skarmory Spoiler 250k 250k Cottonee Spoiler 250k 200k 250k 200k Whimsicott Spoiler 350k Shuckle Spoiler 250k 200k 275k Golduck Spoiler 250k 300k 175k Audino Spoiler 200k 250k 250k Dugtrio Spoiler 250k 450k 200k Magnezone Spoiler 300k 200k Ninjask Spoiler 225k 300k Huntail Spoiler 300k 300k 250k Gorebyss Spoiler 300k Pangoro Spoiler 500k 200k 300k 250k 200k Unique Spoiler 500k 300k 450k 300k 700k 1m 400k 300k 250k 400k 250k 500k 300k 350k 600k ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Special Pokemon Spoiler 250k 50k 50k 900k 450k 550k 900k 400k 150k 900k 300k 175k 1.8m 150k 150k 150k 300k 150k 150k 50k 200k 250k 250k 350k 400k 120k 140k 140k 60k 120k 120k 120k 150k 100k 150k 400k 900k 2.3m 150k 150k 120k 50k 50k 50k 200k 50k 150k 150k 300k 150k 50k 2.2m 40k 150k 150k 600k 750k 350k 50k 500k 350k 350k 350k 250k 250k 275k 400k 250k 300k 500k 450k 75k 1.7m 50k 40k 50k 100k 900k 450k 50k 40k 500k 150k 50k 75k 300k 2.5m 50k 75k 100k 75k 100k 50k 800k 50k 50k 50k 50k 50k 50k 75k 50k 150k 1.2m 100k 800k 250k 450k 100k 150k 150k 50k 50k 100k Pvp Pokemon Spoiler Untrained Spoiler 75k 200k 75k 50k 75k 75k 75k 75k 75k 100k 125k 100k 700k 150k 75k 75k 75k 200k 150k 150k 150k Trained Spoiler 650k 450k 700k 200k 200k 400k 2m 600k 600k 200k 600k 400k 250k 200k Mounts & Cosmetics Spoiler Item Price Arcanine mount 100k Beautifly Wings 50k Blue Skull 125k Bug Net 40k Cubchoo Hat 150k Doughnut 75k Dragon Hood 100k Dragon Cloak 100k Duo Combo Fancy 250k Ghost Outfits 150k Goomy Hat 80k Gracidea Shiny Flower 300k Hibiscus Hat 100k Ludicolo Clothes 80k Medical Mask Pink 125k Pumpkin Hat 50k Pumpkin Hat O 50k Red Headphones 125k Red Party Hat 125k Samurai Helmet 25k Security Set 200k Straw Hat 2 25k Vampire Clothes 100k Winter Clothes Set 50k Witch Hat 250k Xmas Stantler Mount 400k Regular items Spoiler Use Type Item Price Image Stock Power boost 20% Fighting Black Belt 15k 19 Dark Black Glasses 25k 2 Fire Charcoal 10k 7 Dragon Dragon Fang 20k 20 Rock Hard Stone 10k 72 Electric Magnet 10k 9 Steel Metal Coat 10k 31 Grass Miracle Seed 10k 11 Water Mystic Water 15k 5 Ice Never-Melt Ice 10k 11 Poison Poison Barb 5k 110 Fly Sharp Beak 10k 25 Normal Silk Scarf 50k 4 Bug Silver Powder 15k 6 Ground Soft Sand 10k 32 Ghost Spell Tag 10k 21 Psychic Twisted Spoon 10k 5 Evolution Items Kleavor Black Augurite 40k 22 Gallade, Froslass Dawn Stone 10k 50 Gorebyss Deep Sea Scale 15k 8 Huntail Deep Sea Tooth 15k 8 Kingdra Dragon Scale 25k 7 Honchkrow, Mismagius, Chandelure, Aegislash Dusk Stone 10k 41 Electivire Electrizer 50k 11 Ninetales, Arcanine, Hisuian Arcanine, Flareon, Simisear Fire Stone 3k 13 Alolan Ninetales Ice Stone 50k 2 Politoed, Slowking King's Rock 15k 1 Vileplume, Victreebel, Hisuian Electrode, Exeggutor, Leafeon, Shiftry, Simisage Leaf Stone 3k 5 Magmortar Magmarizer 50k 8 Steelix, Scizor Metal Coat 10k 31 Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Delcatty, Musharna Moon Stone 5k 61 Chansey Oval Stone 10k 29 Ursaluna Peat Block 40k 13 Milotic Prism Scale 15k 18 Rhyperior Protector 40k 7 Weavile Razor Claw 25k 8 Gliscor Razor Fang 25k 7 Dusknoir Reaper Cloth 5k 31 Togekiss, Roserade, Cinccino, Florges Shiny Stone 15k 10 Bellossom, Sunflora, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Heliolisk Sun Stone 5k 59 Raichu, Alolan Raichu, Magnezone, Jolteon, Probopass, Eelektross Thunder Stone 3k 12 Poliwrath, Cloyster, Starmie, Vaporeon, Ludicolo, Simipour Water Stone 3k 11 Miscellaneous Heals poison types, damages others Black Sludge 5k 22 Boost Attack by 50%, but can only use 1 move Choice Band 60k 6 Boost Speed by 50%, but can only use 1 move Choice Scarf 60k 1 Boost Sp.Atk by 50%, but can only use 1 move Choice Specs 60k 17 Extends Rain Dance Damp Rock 10k 19 Prevents evolving Everstone 10k 38 +50% Def and Sp.Def if pokemon is not Max-evolved Eviolite 50k 6 Boosts super-effective attacks Expert Belt 15k 7 Burns the holder Flame Orb 40k 10 Holder cant be 1-shotted, leaves it with 1 hp Focus Sash 2k 128 Extends Sunny Day Heat Rock 25k 4 Holder moves last Lagging Tail 10k 28 Heals the holder after every turn Leftovers 5k 148 +30% power, but recoil Life Orb 40k 15 Pikachu +1 ATK & Sp.ATK Light Ball 10k 0 Double EV gains, but moves slower Macho Brace 40k 0 Quest requirement for HM02 - Fly Nocturnal Feather 25k 4 Raises PP of a single move PP Up 2k 350 Holder sometimes moves first Quick Claw 25k 5 Holder heals every time it deals damage Shell Bell 50k 0 100% succes to run away Smoke Ball 10k 0 Happiness gain x2 Sooth Bell 10k 48 +1 Level up! Rare Candy 6k 0 Holder gets badly poisoned Toxic Orb 40k 7 TMs TM28 Dig 7.5k 4 TM50 Substitute 15k 5 TM67 Protect 10k 12 TM75 Swords Dance 12k 10 TM96 Thief 12k 9 TM102 Headbutt 9k 11 TM104 False Swipe 9k 11 TM108 Leech Life 14k 5 TM114 Rock Smash 7.5k 8 TM122 Volt Switch 10k 7 Feel free to say hello to my little friend Edited 5 hours ago by Sefanne 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sefanne Posted March 4 Author Share Posted March 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sefanne Posted March 4 Author Share Posted March 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sefanne Posted March 4 Author Share Posted March 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sefanne Posted March 4 Author Share Posted March 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sefanne Posted March 4 Author Share Posted March 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oshura Posted March 5 Share Posted March 5 Wtb this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sefanne Posted March 5 Author Share Posted March 5 41 minutes ago, Oshura said: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sefanne Posted March 5 Author Share Posted March 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metalgreymon Posted March 5 Share Posted March 5 (edited) I buy both Edited March 5 by Metalgreymon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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