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Hi @Poopsmagoops In the future please wait for a Trade Moderator to respond before you do something like this again, even if it may take some time. What you did, did end up being acceptable, but that is just an off chance that it managed to be.


@Kaywats32 In the future when bidding you MUST have the means to follow through with your bid at the time of placing the bid and throughout. You do not currently possess 2 cc (or the ability to buy with coins), thus your bid is deemed invalid. Even if you planned to buy coins once the auction had ended, you must have them at the time of bidding. This post serves as a waring to you.



3. Bidders must have the means to honour their offer both:

- On the account the bid is made from. 

- At the time of making the bid, and must remain available until outbid, or auction end.


Please read our  Auction Rules and General Trade Rules for a better understanding of PROs trade related rules.

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