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Found this rare shiny skarmony now putting it up for auction. Leave ur best offer below.


https://i.imgur.com/idtX3FT.png = click on link to see the shiny skarmony :Heart:


Auction will be ended at Saturday 10 PM UK.time




Insta Price = 5.5m from Jhaxion :Angel:

YES! <3<3<3

This Skarmony has been sold for an insta for 5.5 million to Jhaxion before the deadline.

Thank you. :Heart:


This is the evidence that we traded = https://i.imgur.com/GUD2N64.png


This is the evidence he message me and tell me the price he gives = https://i.imgur.com/SbekEMp.png


Finally Big Thanks to everyone who join this auction ! :Heart: :Heart:

YES! <3<3<3

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