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Crash during a pvp match 100% win


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We were in a endless battle, skarmory vs ferrothorn (me), i put leech seed on him, and he had roost.


But of course with the time i would win since he cannot dmg me enough to put me down.

Screens :









And guess what ? At the last, i mean, THE VERY last attack 'struggle' (because no more pp usable) on skarmory, to finally (after nojoke ~20mins), it crashed, at this moment.. 3s later i would have win... I won't lie i knew my opponent was waiting for that because at all moves he waited the maximum time possible... but gosh..


I just wait the red server to comeback but i feel i'll lose points.. :Ambivalent:

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169298 We were in a endless battle, skarmory vs ferrothorn (me), i put leech seed on him, and he had roost.


But of course with the time i would win since he cannot dmg me enough to put me down.

Screens :









And guess what ? At the last, i mean, THE VERY last attack 'struggle' (because no more pp usable) on skarmory, to finally (after nojoke ~20mins), it crashed, at this moment.. 3s later i would have win... I won't lie i knew it was waiting for that because at all move he waited the maximum time possible... but gosh..


I just wait the red server to comeback but i feel i'll lose points.. :Ambivalent:

aww man ... i guess none can do anything cause pro is still in beta i mean , bugs and cashs can happend anytime ! we are so sorry if u lose points but i know your strong since i saw ur streak so go go go :Grin:



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169305 Ah ah ty :Crazy: I don't expect anything to be realistic, but i dream of 'points refunds' at least not win points, but i'd like to stay at 251 ^^'

Keep trying to reach top 25 x)

yeah that cool to be top trainers , but also if u got those probs u gotta have to accept them bicause before u joined before u downloaded the game u saw the message that game is still in beta crashs can happend anytime so :/



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happened to all of us, i also lost multiple wins through crashes but thats something that you gotta live with at the moment. but it happens to all of us, so nobody really gets advantage out of it besides people who lose a lot anyways i guess :P

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