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Hi there guys, so I've spent the last 2 days trying to compile an alright team that revolves around electivire and magmortar

Current team atm:

Flygon - Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Solarbeam, Earthquake

Magmortar - Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Psychic

Electivire - Psychic, Earthquake, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower

Forretress - TBA


I'm trying to see if there's 2 more pokemon I could fit into here, could someone help me thanks :)


if you're quickselling anything pm me :)

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Guest YourMomGr
169346 Hi there guys, so I've spent the last 2 days trying to compile an alright team that revolves around electivire and magmortar

Current team atm:

Flygon - Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Solarbeam, Earthquake

Magmortar - Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Psychic

Electivire - Psychic, Earthquake, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower

Forretress - TBA


I'm trying to see if there's 2 more pokemon I could fit into here, could someone help me thanks :)

2 pokes have weakness to ground 1 can get 2 shot by earthquake and 1 immunity so that will be huge problem, you have no reliable fast sweeper(flygon which is your fastest mon reaching max 328).. And last but not least you need a special wall.by your moveset i realise you are trying to make a weather team. If you have to keep the team as it is(i wouldnt do that) 2 mons that might cover your weaknesses are a chlorophyl poke(venusaur, shiftry, sawsbuck are some strong ones) and for special wall best in game rn is blissey but you dont have any water or ice coverage so i would advice you to get a milotic or a jellicent(and both must be build as special walls)..also it is worth mentioning calm ninetails that can take some special hits and also set the sun BUT with the current team it will only add one more ground weakness and one more water weakness

thanks for your help, I do have a ada low level shiftry that I will be training right now

what do you mean by a reliable fast sweeper?

i was already mid leveling a lickilicky with moves icebeam, (a grass move I forgot with high power) earthquake and toxic :)


if you're quickselling anything pm me :)

Hmm. I would say replace magmo with ninetales=drough , so you get insta sun. Also you could take one water tank type for example vaporeon with move wish, so you can heal your other pokemon+ water absorb . If you have trouble with electric types, you can predict that and switch to electivire (if you have motor drive) boosts speed and you can try to sweep. Also maybe something with levitate for those eq's. But none of us can choose what poke YOU use you have to try different pokes to find that balanced team. I'm just giving my opinion.


Guest YourMomGr
169499 thanks for your help, I do have a ada low level shiftry that I will be training right now

what do you mean by a reliable fast sweeper?

i was already mid leveling a lickilicky with moves icebeam, (a grass move I forgot with high power) earthquake and toxic :)

lickylicky is a low tier poke and wont fuction good at this lineup cause it just get outclassed by other tanks..a reliable speedy sweeper is something like talonflame or weaville or starmie or jolteon etc something that is fast enough to revenge kill other pokemon AND kill other fast pokemon on offensive teams so you need a poke with ~360 speed..chlorophyl swiftry can reach easily 400 speed so as long as sun is up you have a fast sweeper

169518 Hmm. I would say replace magmo with ninetales=drough , so you get insta sun. Also you could take one water tank type for example vaporeon with move wish, so you can heal your other pokemon+ water absorb . If you have trouble with electric types, you can predict that and switch to electivire (if you have motor drive) boosts speed and you can try to sweep. Also maybe something with levitate for those eq's. But none of us can choose what poke YOU use you have to try different pokes to find that balanced team. I'm just giving my opinion.


yeah i know thats for your opinion man haha

i would of done that with magmo a long time ago, but i love the magmo and electirive combo xDDDDD so cool much swag


if you're quickselling anything pm me :)

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