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As most of you have already known, I am a trusted ms/coin seller in game. I have sold to many players and they are satisfied with the service in minutes. Those who have bought from me, please come in and vouch for me.

I do not require your account information to sell so you shouldn't be worried. Prices are fixed and only discounts are applied. Please do not comment or flame in my topic if you do not like it, just simply dont buy it. Only buyers are welcomed. You can contact me in game anytime, ign steven0607, or email me at [email protected].


Prices: 300k per membership / 100 coins

Discounts will be applied, the more you buy, the greater discounts will be.


Trade method: you give me 300k, wait 2 minutes, relog, and you will receive the membership or coins.


Thank you~.

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