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Ahoy hoy!


I'm commonly known as Wright on most of the online forums and sites I frequent... which isn't too many, tbh. My real name's incredibly ethnic and I don't particularly like it (I'm Indian, so... you know.... ;-; R.I.P me). People in real life and online tend to call me David as it's something that's easier to pronounce and I guess I'm okay with that - I'll share my actual name with people once we're more familiar with each other. :kiss:


I don't really know what to say as I'm not all that great with introductions, sooooo.... yeah. Here I am.


I like a lot of stuff - Anime (even though I've given up on it), Manga (though I don't really read it often), Korean dramas (my new addiction?), Astronomy, Dank Memes, Indie music, books, and a lot of other junk that's probably not good for you. I dunno, I guess just talk 2 me and we can let things unravel on their own. I'm a friendly, carefree person 99% of the time and I laugh at almost anything and hope to get along with everyone. :^) I strive to be the kind of person people can talk to without filtering their thoughts - someone you can truly be yourself around.


Oh and I'm a huge fan of the Ace Attorney series, if that wasn't obvious.... so ya. there u go. I'm also very awkward at times, so forgive me if I come off as weird or anything like that.... :^(


Let's be pals! :Cool: See y'all in game - My ID is Wright so feel free to add me.


P.S: My bad for the lengthy introduction.... :Frown:

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