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Re: Doja's Pokemon Boutique.


<r>First Auction Ends! <br/>

Matchamp sold to Cloudx and Trade Compelt. <E>:y:</E> <br/>


<QUOTE author="conan761311"><s>

</s><POST content="183801"><s></s>183801<e></e></POST> 20k Eevee<e>

Wons the Eevee Auction im try add you but you was offline pls Add me as soon its posibel, for get your Eevee! =)<br/>


Gyarados not Sold, <br/>


Next auction Starts at <br/>

<IMG src="https://www.pending.me.uk/cd/pin_1466524800.png"><s></e></IMG></r>

Re: Doja's Pokemon Boutique.


<r><QUOTE author="Doja"><s>


Wons the Eevee Auction im try add you but you was offline pls Add me as soon its posibel, for get your Eevee! =)



sorry about that. when i am online i tried add you but you are not online. "/friend doja" is it correct?</r>

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