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This may actually be the best Pokemon MMO


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What i was trying to say is that POKEMON as a game is meant to be PvE .

And again, you are absolutely wrong. Pokemon is a completely pvp central game now. Every poke that comes out is judged on stats and abilities.

And gamefreak has official tiers and it caters to those like mega audino was made specifically for doubles.

Pokemon has it's pve elements but it boils down to competitive at the end of the river.

So you call PvP switching 20-30 times per battle your poke? Or losing a battle because u started PvP with a pokemon that your enemy countered by LUCK? Lets say u start your battle with Charizard and your enemy starts with Blastoise ? He have advantage over you because of LUCK and LUCK only, thats why this game was created for PvE and not for PvP.

Really ? this just shows that you are nothing but crusty and salty with no knowledge of the metagame.

20-30 times switching, boy that is called prediction and plays a key role in any game, a sign of a good player is his prediction ability and it has nothing to do with luck it comes from experience and knowledge of pokemon sets.

And you didnt really find any decent argument to back yr point up so you blamed it on the luck factor (LOL),i admit luck factor plays its parts with crits and all but you actually have to predict the lead of the opponent -_-, get good please and get some games under your belt.

andf even if your opponent starts off with something that kills you you hard counter it or coverage it with yr moves .

And that blastoise is dead meat if your charizard happens to be a mega y

I'll just drop this here and hope you have a decent answer otherwise this discussion with you is over my friend.


252+ SpA Mega Charizard Y Solar Beam vs. 184 HP / 0 SpD Mega Blastoise: 296-350 (85.7 - 101.4%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

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What i was trying to say is that POKEMON as a game is meant to be PvE .

And again, you are absolutely wrong. Pokemon is a completely pvp central game now. Every poke that comes out is judged on stats and abilities.

And gamefreak has official tiers and it caters to those like mega audino was made specifically for doubles.

Pokemon has it's pve elements but it boils down to competitive at the end of the river.

So you call PvP switching 20-30 times per battle your poke? Or losing a battle because u started PvP with a pokemon that your enemy countered by LUCK? Lets say u start your battle with Charizard and your enemy starts with Blastoise ? He have advantage over you because of LUCK and LUCK only, thats why this game was created for PvE and not for PvP.



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Guys its so hard, people will get bored sooner or later, this game was designed for PvE not PvP !!!

Troll statement of the year boys.

this game and every other mmo caters to pvp at the end of the day rather than pve. Thats how it goes.

What i was trying to say is that POKEMON as a game is meant to be PvE .

Plesse dont talk about stuff you literally have no clue of. Pokémon is one of the most pvp orientated games. You are embarassing yourself.

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Guest iRedZerg

And again, you are absolutely wrong. Pokemon is a completely pvp central game now. Every poke that comes out is judged on stats and abilities.

And gamefreak has official tiers and it caters to those like mega audino was made specifically for doubles.

Pokemon has it's pve elements but it boils down to competitive at the end of the river.

So you call PvP switching 20-30 times per battle your poke? Or losing a battle because u started PvP with a pokemon that your enemy countered by LUCK? Lets say u start your battle with Charizard and your enemy starts with Blastoise ? He have advantage over you because of LUCK and LUCK only, thats why this game was created for PvE and not for PvP.

Really ? this just shows that you are nothing but crusty and salty with no knowledge of the metagame.

20-30 times switching, boy that is called prediction and plays a key role in any game, a sign of a good player is his prediction ability and it has nothing to do with luck it comes from experience and knowledge of pokemon sets.

And you didnt really find any decent argument to back yr point up so you blamed it on the luck factor (LOL),i admit luck factor plays its parts with crits and all but you actually have to predict the lead of the opponent -_-, get good please and get some games under your belt.

andf even if your opponent starts off with something that kills you you hard counter it or coverage it with yr moves .

And that blastoise is dead meat if your charizard happens to be a mega y

I'll just drop this here and hope you have a decent answer otherwise this discussion with you is over my friend.


252+ SpA Mega Charizard Y Solar Beam vs. 184 HP / 0 SpD Mega Blastoise: 296-350 (85.7 - 101.4%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

I never PvPed and will never do because of this, its my point of view, i play this game purely for story line. I have other games to PvP which they are made for PvP and for PvP only, maybe your whole life u play poke mmo games and u pvp a lot , but please i gave u an example of Water countering Fire and u brought to the table solar beam charizard Y, plus you talked about PREDICTIONS which is luck too, and as from games i'm playing the most famous MMOs,MOBAs around the globe also FPS (Lineage 2,LoL,CS,CoD,DarkSouls) . My point is that the creators of the original game released the game fast enough before testing their PvP sector, maybe they could add a limit to 5 max switches per match or something like this or giving 10 pokes to each player and they have to chose 6 of them to PvP with their opponent.

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Guest iRedZerg

Troll statement of the year boys.

this game and every other mmo caters to pvp at the end of the day rather than pve. Thats how it goes.

What i was trying to say is that POKEMON as a game is meant to be PvE .

Plesse dont talk about stuff you literally have no clue of. Pokémon is one of the most pvp orientated games. You are embarassing yourself.

I just find pokemon PvP not funny because of 2-3 factors i mentioned here. Cant i chat here with other players? What are u? kind of neo-Nazi? Forums are for chatting and if you dont want me to talk about stuff i have no clue of , how can this community go further ? maybe in the next posts someone will come here and explain me how PvP works and then i'll love pvp.

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I never PvPd before[/quote2]

I find Pokemon PvP not fun[/quote2]


Pick one :Nervous:


"You should enjoy the little detours. To the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want."

- Ging Freecss

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Guest iRedZerg
I never PvPd before[/quote2]

I find Pokemon PvP not fun[/quote2]


Pick one :Nervous:

Actually i have 3 pvps at my account, but I said i never PvPed because from 3 matches u cant get any experience.

But what I experienced from these 3 matches is constant switch of pokemons which is really annoying, took like 10-15 minutes for 1 battle. Thats basically the main reason I'm complaing about PvP sector and how its built




edit: we have gone full off-topic so lets finish everything here.

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I never PvPd before[/quote2]

I find Pokemon PvP not fun[/quote2]


Pick one :Nervous:

Actually i have 3 pvps at my account, but I said i never PvPed because from 3 matches u cant get any experience.

But what I experienced from these 3 matches is constant switch of pokemons which is really annoying, took like 10-15 minutes for 1 battle. Thats basically the main reason I'm complaing about PvP sector and how its built




edit: we have gone full off-topic so lets finish everything here.

i really love how your argument went from "pokemon is not meant to be pvp oriented" to "i would like certain changes and i love pvp'ing in general and i hate stalling". Peace.

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What i was trying to say is that POKEMON as a game is meant to be PvE .

Plesse dont talk about stuff you literally have no clue of. Pokémon is one of the most pvp orientated games. You are embarassing yourself.

I just find pokemon PvP not funny because of 2-3 factors i mentioned here. Cant i chat here with other players? What are u? kind of neo-Nazi? Forums are for chatting and if you dont want me to talk about stuff i have no clue of , how can this community go further ? maybe in the next posts someone will come here and explain me how PvP works and then i'll love pvp.



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