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I've been playing this game for a while now, but never really considered to introduce myself. So, better late than never; Hi, Im Ryder Kinocha :Smile:


I've been playing pokemon since the original Red/Blue/Green/Yellow games. I actually still own Red and Yellow, both of which I played the heck out of. I'm a simple anime and gaming nerd, loving shows from FMA to SAO, and games from Pokemon to Kingdom Hearts, and even some Halo here and there. Im also an artist, *points to my avatar* and a spriter! However, I haven't sprited much in the last couple years. I am trying to get back into it though!


As for this game, I have played through the Kanto region so many times (Red/Yellow/Leaf Green/SoulSilver) and for me it never gets old. Seeing how PRO portrays each town and route, I am simply in love with it! :Heart: Just the sheer renovation of these maps keeps me playing more and more :Smile: and I can't WAIT to get to Johto and other regions!


And don't hate me for this long, boring post. ;~;

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Hello~! Welcome to PRO! :Heart:


Always great to meet another artist. c: I like your avatar!

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