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I have visited all Pokécenters and 2 are not responding when I interact with it.

Below you can see that Oldale pc and Petalburg pc are not responsive.


4/5 done

1. Mauville

2. Mossdeep

3. Rustboro

4. Lavaridge

5. ??


1. Slateport: too late

2. Sootopolis: too late

3. Pacifidlog: too late

4. Verdanturf: too late

5. Fallarbor: too late

6. Fortree: too late

7.Lilycove: too late

8. Dewford: too late

9. Ever Grande: too late


1. Oldale: not responding? [highlight=red][bUG?][/highlight]

2. Petalburg: not responding? [highlight=red][bUG?][/highlight]

3. Leev: no teleport!

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