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Pokemon whereabout



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I've been looking through forums and googling forever but I can't seem to find the whereabout of the pokemon named Tynamo-Eelektrik-Eelektross.

If anyone could provide me with the location of this pokemon, it would be greatly appreciated.



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187909 PRO Username:

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: None


What have you done before the problem was there?



What have you already tried to solve the problem?



Description and Message

I've been looking through forums and googling forever but I can't seem to find the whereabout of the pokemon named Tynamo-Eelektrik-Eelektross.

If anyone could provide me with the location of this pokemon, it would be greatly appreciated.




Greetings, those Pokemon are not implemented yet. You'll have to wait some more time, but those will be added eventually.


Enjoy your game!

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