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CO-OP Mode/Party Feature (Level in a group with your friends)


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I think it's a good idea, but to make it more reasonable you should be able to teleport to your friend if you've been to that area, including safari as well to save money and use your friend as your own servant :P. This'll overall make it better, but people with two computers (such as myself) will be able to grind more easily, making it more like cheating for both of your accounts, and you can't block IP addresses because people who live together will not be able to grind together, so I don't know what'll happen if this makes it.

Thank you for your time and consideration (if you had any) upon this idea.


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What if you meet Golbat and Shiny Riolu for example? I see many of quarrles in such situations. Or what if one player in party has Membership and the second one doesn't have it? Will the second one be able to catch Membership Pokemon without MS?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just asked about this in IRC, this is exactly what I would need to get some of my friends to play. Guarantee this feature would make the game unique and bring in more membership/money in the process. My very first thought when I saw PRO was oh god I hope there is some form of CO-OP.



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