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I'm Maddogs, and I'm starting up a daycare in which I'll train pokemon from any level to 95 (or whatever level you require) in under an hour, with EV training of spatk/spd/hp included FREE (but only those values). If you find me online, I will get your daycare order done in less than an hour from 1-95, otherwise I will do it asap and message you once done.


Prices are very cheap compared to others:

Evolution stages:

None, One, Two

$250/350/500 for each level from 1-35

$500/600/750 for each level from 36-70

$800/1000/1250 for each level from 71-85

$1500/1750/2000 for each level from 86-95


This means the total cost from level 5-95 for each stage is:

5-35: $7500/10500/15000

36-70: $17500/21000/26250

71-85: $12000/15000/18750

86-95: $15000/17500/20000

Total: $52000/64000/80000


I do not train pokemon any higher than 95, as it takes too much time if they are evolved even once, rare candy does the trick.

If you require EV training of the listed three values, I will train it as much as possible without using my own berries until the time is up.

I will use a macho brace to ensure double gain.

Any moves you wish to be kept should be noted in the application, otherwise I will overwrite moves sensibly, not taking risks.


Please apply by posting below or messaging me either on the forums or in-game (I am on 60% of the day) with the following:

Pokemon, Level and Required level, EVs needed, moves needed


Any pokemon not collected or contacted about within 10 days are considered abandoned and become my pokemon, unless there are extenuating circumstances.


Satisfied customers:


Dragonite999: Spearow: 10-20, $2000

Dragonite999: Goldeen: 14-33, $3800

Dragonite999: Drowzee: 19-26, $1600

Dragonite999: Rhyhorn: 11-42, $7200

Dragonite999: Omanyte: 28-40, $3400


193486 Hello ...need ev training(attck and speed 252 evs) + lvl up from lvl 10 -95


Pokemon : Gible


Alright, find me in-game and I'll do it instantly, I'll be online in two hours after I go to the cinema, will do it then. I can train the speed EVs for free, the atk evs will cost $20,000 extra for 252.

193235 pm me, I want to try ur service.

ingame: henryhv

riolu : 252 atk - 252 spd -6 hp

lapras: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SAtk

I need these two first, how much for both? and what's ur ingame?


My IGN is Maddogs.


I can level both up however much you want if needed, price accordingly, if you're only looking for EV training I charge $20,000 for each 252, or $35,000 for a total EV train.

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