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Warp Attribute Bug [Cerulean City]


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Alright, so I'm basically reporting a bug that I witnessed, while transitioning from one map to another; Cerulean City to Route 24, basically. What happened was, the first time I warped, I landed on an axis, whose cords were ahead of the bug catcher. The second time (and all other times) I tried, I moved to the correct coordinates, that is - before the Bug Catcher. It is noteworthy listing that this is probably not intentional, since I got a friend to test it, and they warped to the correct coordinates on their first try. So, there's that.


A bit of visual representation:


This is the warp attribute I'm talking about:


And this is the place I warped to:



The '1' marks the assumed incorrect coordinates that I warped to the first time.

The '2' marks the assumed correct coordinates.



The issue basically allowed me to skip the Bug Catcher.


tl;dr: incorrect placement of attributes, nothing much.

This isn't a huge issue, just thought I'd report it. :Grin:


Thanks. :Exclam:

(I just realized, this post is much larger than I expected. Thanks, OCD. >.>)



[This is for personal use] ^^;

  • Added Screenshots
  • Formatted a bit
  • Correct Image Sizes



[glow=red]Tumblr: Erladino | dA: Erladino | Steam: Erladino | Skype: Erladino | PMU: Erladino[/glow]


[glow=red]'All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.'[/glow]


Credit to Ren for the signature.

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