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I am Kansu, and I'm decently new on pokemon revolution. However, I already did a lot of research about the pvp metagame, althought I didn't find so much resource about it. I thought it would be really hard for newer players to ever get into strategic / competitive pokemon, unless they had background from previous communities like Smogon, as it is in my case. Obviously the metagame here has some similarities with the Smogon OU metagame, but it also has many differences, due to having no legendaries or megas, and not all the same items, pokemons, and moves.


For those reasons, Its kinda hard to know which pokemon are good and/or popular, what sets are most optimal, etc. Therefore It is very hard to understand where to start building a team. That is why I thought making a post where we can discuss the pokemon cores that are viable in the pokemon revolution metagame would be a good idea.


A core in pokemon is a group of pokemon (generally 2 or 3, but can be more) that work well together, covering eachother's weaknesses. A core can be based on many things, can be defensive, balanced or offensive. Classic examples would be:

- FWG core: consists of one Fire type pokemon, one Water, type and one Grass type. Those 3 pokemon together would offer a large plethora of useful resistances and cover every one of their partner's weaknesses, be it in any pokemon game or tier. This can work offensively as well as defensively.

- The SkarmBliss core: probably the most famous defensive core. It is composed of Skarmory, which offers stellar defensive capabilities, and Blissey, who can wall anything on the special side. Those walls don't cover their type weaknesses that well, but their stats are very complementary. They also offer and large kit of utility, especially when used together.

- Rain Core: This core is used in manypokemon tiers, and was most famous in VGC 2014 (doubles). It involves Politoed and a swift swim user, the most common being Ludicolo. Quite self explanatory, Politoed sets up the rain just by being sent, and then Ludicolo uses high speed and water move bonus to deal damage.

- Bird Spam: Common in Smogon OU with Mega-Pinsir and Talonflame, the bird spam involves two strong and fast flying type attackers and their strong stab to wear down opposing walls. Generally, the opponent will have limited Flying resistances (only resisted by steel and electric) and therefore can only switch into Brave Bird and Aerilate Double-Edge or Return a limited amount of time. Once those walls are down, Talonflame and Pinsir's speed allow them to clean up.



TL;DR: There are many other cores that can work many different ways. Please post your cores with full moveset below, I will reserve the next post (if this is not allowed, please let me know and I will make the changes) and add every cores. If possible, add a large or brieve description of your cores. It can be unique cores that you created and showed decent success, or more common ones.


Thanks alot for reading and / or helping. :-)




My wishlist :

- Epic Tyranitar (almost any nature)

- Epic Jolly Garchomp 31 speed


My shop:


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Defensive Cores





Ability: Sturdy

Careful Nature

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpDef / 4 Def

Iron Head/Brave Bird

Whirlwind/Toxic/Stealth Rock

Spikes/Stealth Rock



This set not only allows Skarmory to wall physical threats properly thanks to his excellent base Defense stat, but also Special Psyshock users like Mew that can threaten Blissey. Iron Head hits fairy types hard, althought Brave Bird can also be used as it has better coverage and damage. This enormous bulk allows Skarmory to set up Spikes and prevent opponent from setting up with Whirlwind.



Ability: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 / 252 Def / 4 SpDef

Bold Nature

Seismic Toss

Thunder Wave/Stealth Rock

Aromatherapy/Thunder Wave/Toxic



With his ridiculous base stats, Blissey can wall any special attacker besides boosting Psyshock users, like Focus Blasts and some Nasty Plot wall breakers. For this reason, the EVs and nature are maximized in defense, that way Blissey is not easily ohko'd by any physical attack. Thunder Wave cripples those sweepers and makes Blissey really painful to play against, as Seismic toss deals consistent damage to anything but ghost types.


Those two pokemon together can act as defensive backbone for any stall team, or even any team at all. They can easily switch-in on most moves and setup whatever they want. Notable counters are very limited, but include the infamous Mixed Infernape, which seemingly was designed to kill these guys, with Flamethrower, Nasty Plot, and Close combat. Mew can also do similar things with Psyshock instead of Close combat. Powerful fighting types can cause SkarmBliss some problems, but they will still have trouble breaking throught Skarmory without letting him setup at least one layer of spikes. Finally, Starmie can deter pretty much anything SkarmBliss wants to do, thanks to Rapid Spin which removes Spikes and Natural Cure to soak paralysis. It can also hit both of them decently hard with Psyshock and Thunderbolt or even Surf.





Sassy Nature

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpDef / 4 Def

Power Whip

Gyro Ball

Stealth Rock

Leech Seed



Bold Nature

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpDef



Calm Mind/Thunder Wave

Slack Off


Those are probably the two most impressive walls in the metagame and can be really hard to take down, especially when paired together since they boast so many useful resistances. Specific attackers only can take this combo down, such as Heracross (not so common) or special/hybrid Tyranitar.

Hydreigon + Tentacruel</U><i></i>

Hydreigon @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

- Taunt

- Roost

- Dark Pulse

- Fire Blast


Tentacruel @ Black Sludge

Ability: Liquid Ooze

EVs: 252 Hp / 252 Def / 4 Sp.Def

Bold Nature

- Toxic Spikes

- Rapid Spin

- Scald

- Acid Spray/Sludge Wave


These two share a really good typing combination, cover each other weakness pretty well: Hydreigon can switch into electric, ground attacks aim to tenta (Starmie, Magnezone, Excadrill..) while Tenta can take Fairy, Fighting and Ice attackers which check Hydreigon (Azumarill, Weavile, Machamp..).

Especially, with Toxic Spikes support, Hydreigon with this moveset can beat Blissey/Slowbro or Slowbro/Ferrothorn core pretty easy.


Garchomp and Mamoswine is a few threats which can trouble this core, so u may want to add the third member like: Skarmory or Bronzong to cover this weakness. (I prefer specially defend Bronzong since Skarmory share electric weakness w. tenta) :Light:


Bronzong @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 Sp.Def / 252 Hp / 4 Def

Sassy Nature

- Stealth Rock

- Gyro Ball

- Earthquake

- Toxic

Although, it's specially defend, it can take on chomps and mamoswine easily.



Offensive Cores

<U>Sand Offense


Tyranitar @ Smooth Rock

Ability: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Dragon Dance

- Stone Edge

- Earthquake

- Crunch/Taunt


Excadrill @Lum Berry/Expert Belt

Ability: Sand Rush

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Earthquake

- Iron Head

- Rock Slide

- Swords Dance



Bird Spam

Talonflame@Sharp Beak

Jolly Nature

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Def

Brave Bird

Flare Blitz

Swords Dance



Staraptor@Sharp Beak/Silk Scarf/Leftovers

Reckless Ability

Adamant/Jolly Nature

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Brave Bird


Close Combat/Final Gambit

Quick Attack/Final Gambit


Staraptor is used mainly to break walls early game. With its tremendous damage on most of the tier, Staraptor can hit the pokemon that are supposed to wall him really hard on the switch, besides Skarmory which it can kill with Final Gambit if needed, althought talonflame does not care about Skarmory. Once those walls are weakened, Talonflame can setup and potentially cleanup later on.


Wallbreaker Talonflame+Azumarill


Ability: Huge Power

Adamant Nature

Aqua Jet

Waterfall/Knock Off/Superpower/Ice Punch

Play Rough

Belly Drum

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def


Talonflame@Sharp Beak

Ability: Gale Wings

Adamant Nature

Brave Bird

Flare Blitz

Swords Dance


EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP


Those two guys together can boost their stats up and break pretty any wall that way, except maybe Slowbro. They are both very self-explanatory. Azumarill destroys everything except Skarmory, Ferrothorn and Venusaur, which are scared to death by Talonflame. The bird can also use a plethora of supporting moves instead of Swords Dance, such as Taunt or will-o-wisp, making Azumarill's set up easier. It can also use Acrobatics alongside no item for lower damage but higher survivability since it won't suffer from recoil.



Balanced Cores

<COLOR color="#FFFFFF">

Balanced Sand


Tyranitar @ Smooth Rock

Ability: Sand Stream

EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD

Careful Nature

- Stealth Rock

- Low Kick/Crunch/Ice Punch/Fire Punch (Or pursuit, but still not coded atm)

- Rock Slide/Stone Edge

- Thunder Wave/Roar/Ice Punch/Fire Punch


Excadrill @Lum Berry

Ability: Sand Rush

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Earthquake

- Iron Head

- Rock Slide

- Swords Dance


My wishlist :

- Epic Tyranitar (almost any nature)

- Epic Jolly Garchomp 31 speed


My shop:


Balanced Sandcore


Tyranitar @ Smooth Rock

Ability: Sand Stream

EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD

Careful Nature

- Stealth Rock

- Low Kick (Or pursuit, but still not coded atm)

- Rock Slide

- Thunder Wave/Roar


Excadrill @Lum Berry

Ability: Sand Rush

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Earthquake

- Iron Head

- Rock Slide

- Swords Dance


Offensive Sandcore


Tyranitar @ Smooth Rock

Ability: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Dragon Dance

- Stone Edge

- Earthquake

- Crunch/Taunt


Excadrill @Lum Berry

Ability: Sand Rush

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Earthquake

- Iron Head

- Rock Slide

- Swords Dance

Yea sure who cares make ur own... except not all players know every pokemon available and have previous competitive experience... its not like you just pick two random pokemon you like with typing that synergize well, like blastoise and charizard and have a solid core to make a competitive team around it. Also the best way to create a core yourself is certainly to look at other already tested and approved cores like that and create one with this inspiration in mind. I'm sure almost everyone here also base their knowledge and make their set according to the Smogon OU metagame, since there is no ressource for PRO, which honnestly is far different from the meta here.

My wishlist :

- Epic Tyranitar (almost any nature)

- Epic Jolly Garchomp 31 speed


My shop:


all u do in pvp is run stall pokemon and stall and stall and stall some more till your opponet quits theres 0 skill curently in pvp on this game due to the lack of pvp items aka the life orbs and choice items all your going to do is run into stall 90% of the time and 100% of the time once you get higher raiting

211337 all u do in pvp is run stall pokemon and stall and stall and stall some more till your opponet quits theres 0 skill curently in pvp on this game due to the lack of pvp items aka the life orbs and choice items all your going to do is run into stall 90% of the time and 100% of the time once you get higher raiting

Wow, I found another guy who really hate stall over here. "Stall is bad, stall is guilty, 0 skill required.." :Smile:

Actually I think this thread is pretty useful, people should develop their team based on cores and a game plan - lot of players I know in this game don't, sadly.

btw, I would contribute my farvorite:


Hydreigon @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

- Taunt

- Roost

- Dark Pulse

- Fire Blast


Tentacruel @ Black Sludge

Ability: Liquid Ooze

EVs: 252 Hp / 252 Def / 4 Sp.Def

Bold Nature

- Toxic Spikes

- Rapid Spin

- Scald

- Acid Spray/Sludge Wave


These two share a really good typing combination, cover each other weakness pretty well: Hydreigon can switch into electric, ground attacks aim to tenta (Starmie, Magnezone, Excadrill..) while Tenta can take Fairy, Fighting and Ice attackers which check Hydreigon (Azumarill, Weavile, Machamp..).

Especially, with Toxic Spikes support, Hydreigon with this moveset can beat Blissey/Slowbro or Slowbro/Ferrothorn core pretty easy.

Garchomp and Mamoswine is a few threats which can trouble this core, so u may want to add the third member like: Skarmory or Bronzong to cover this weakness. (I prefer specially defend Bronzong since Skarmory share electric weakness w. tenta) :Light:


Bronzong @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 Sp.Def / 252 Hp / 4 Def

Sassy Nature

- Stealth Rock

- Gyro Ball

- Earthquake

- Toxic

Although, it's specially defend, it can take on chomps and mamoswine easily.


Special thanks for Kyuuta for making this awesome sign.

I know you guys here really hate stall, but honnestly there was pokemon before Life Orb and choice band existed and it was not only stall. Taunt and setup sweepers can beat stall easily. I haven't pvp yet here but if most teams are stall based, it should be pretty easy to teambuild properly and beat them. Bong's Hydreigon is a very good example of this.

My wishlist :

- Epic Tyranitar (almost any nature)

- Epic Jolly Garchomp 31 speed


My shop:


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