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When the language is enabled on Spanish in the game? / Cuándo se habilita el idioma en español en el

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Buenas! Me gustaría saber si el juego va a tener el idioma de español, y no solamente el inglés, ya que me está costando entender muchas cosas / Good! I wonder if the game will have Spanish language, not just English, as is costing me understand many things.


Gracias! / Thanks!


The game has A LOT of text and it couldn't be translated just like that.

Maybe just a client things like: Login, Setings, Credits,... ,

But im not actually sure.


Heyam, Im so newbie

197123 Staff said in the future, basic settings options and similar will have a translation, but the game in itself will never be translated.


On that note, locking the topic.


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