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I'm writing this hoping the staff will read and consider it, it's very very frustrating try to connect for many minutes and always see the write cannot connect to server because the server is almost always full we can't loose every time 15-30 mins of our lives clicking a log in button again and again without any clue if we are about to log in or not. I understand this is a beta and game has a little server but at least put a queue so if player A tries to log in and server is 850/850 than player B tries than C etc etc.. as soon as there are 849/850 players player A automatically logs in if he didn't left the window, right now if player A got a little slower connection than players B,C,D,E........ he will be surpassed by all of them and will wait too much time.

Other suggestion : put a link for password forgot as every game I know has! It should have been one of the first things done on the log in window

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