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Blizzard Move


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PRO Username: N4n0Tr4c3r

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

i was playing your game and then it crashed


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

i cant do anything


Description and Message

i was playing and leveling my Froslass and learn blizzard at lvl 51 then the server crashed and when i came back my blizzard move was gone please give it back to me

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199729 PRO Username: N4n0Tr4c3r

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

i was playing your game and then it crashed


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

i cant do anything


Description and Message

i was playing and leveling my Froslass and learn blizzard at lvl 51 then the server crashed and when i came back my blizzard move was gone please give it back to me


You might have been hit by a rollback. Check the level of Froslass first of all, it might not be 51 anymore.

Also, provide some screenshots, please.


Good luck!

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199984 see the move is not there and when i came back it was lvl 51 already and no blizzard move 2IuEDkH.jpg


Did you visit a Move Relearner yet? Look for the move in the list.


Apart from that, Blizzard can bought at the mall in Goldenrod City and is a possible reward from Lorelai (boss).

You're having no trouble regaining your move. Best regards, enjoy your game.


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